this is serious and important

43 1 14

I am so fucking done with my schools bullshit. According to my guidance counsler who we visit a lot to hang out in her office asked if any of us had snapchat.

I don't cause my parents wont let me, but 2 of my friends in the room do.

Then she asks the most "unnecessary" question I've ever heard.

She asked if there was a guy asking for nudes from you.

And the reason I say this is unnecessary is because this should not be a problem. We are in 8th grade, and all of middle school up until now we have been making problems almost out of shit.

Someone of them were genuine problems, but some of them could've been avoided if we weren't being so stupid looking back.

This year, we have obviously matured and he should know better than to do that. This was a 100% avoidable event.

And it wasnt just one person, it was a truck load of people who were put through this bullshit. Nobody deserves that, we are so fucking young.

Only in 8th grade.

We thought we were big people in 6th and then 7th cause we were almost seniors.

7th grade was the worst year I've ever been through.

But because of it we have learned from our mistakes and we should be mature people.

I'm not saying we should suddenly know how to act, but they should know better than this.

To think that people I've known for some good time were asked at fucking 1 A.M because some guy was being a horny bitch.

I get it we're going through puberty, but can you control yourself. If you want something to get off of go on incognito and search for websites made for that shit.

Don't ask middle school girls for pictures of their naked body.

He was even "dating" someone.

Like, I just can't with this.

The worst part is this is almost excepted by society. All that 'oh boys will be boys' bullshit. With the 'it was bound to happen'. And the 'they're in 8th grade'

We aren't even high school freshmen yet.


I'm sick of this.


Our drama teacher is also the dean so she got a call and she was saying stuff about 'he' (idk who it was) was touching a girl inappropriately so 'he' got a call home.

The shock on people's faces in the classroom.

In the cafeteria there is this girl and boy. I know them both but I'm not naming anyone.

The girl was sitting on the table and they were talking while the guy was sliding his hand between the girls thighs.


This is an ongoing problem I just can't with.

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