13 | baby

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As Nishinoya finished changing to his night clothes, he threw himself to the soft cushions of his bed. He recalled everything that happened for the day, repeating his confession in his head like a broken tape.

"She said yes to me!" he was overjoyed again, rolling on his bed.

"Next date, aquarium!" he planned and grabbed his phone in the side table.

"Aquarium Date," he typed on the browser, already imagining how it'd be like with her.

"Hey," he read a notification pop up, it was Y/N.

He immediately tapped on it to reply, "Hey!!"

"What's up??" he added.

"I'll return your shirt to you soon, I just finished washing it."

Nishinoya Yuu changed Ayase Y/N's nickname to Baby.

"Baby??" she asked.

"Yes, baby?" he replied.

"So my endearment is... baby?" Y/N thought, caught off guard.

"Hehe," he messaged her again.

Nishinoya Yuu changed his nickname to Baby 💗💖💖💕💗.

"What's with these emojis?" she asked herself, weird out with the influx of hearts.

"Are you going to sleep now, Y/N-chan?"

"Yes, I'll sleep soon," she replied.

"Okay, goodnight!!!" she could even hear his loud voice from reading the message.

"Goodnight, Yuu-senpai."

Y/N put away her phone on her desk and glanced at the necklace he gave her long ago. It was just lying near her jewelry box since she didn't wear it too often. Maybe it would be cute to wear matching necklaces with him, though, Y/N thought.

She laid on her bed and called it a day, Now closing her eyes, she recalled his smile and playful expression.

"We're polar opposites," she thought, but dearly remembered him, her first boyfriend, Nishinoya Yuu.

The following week went on as usual, with them going to different schools. It didn't matter for Y/N if they weren't able to see each other, she was clueless as to what she should expect in a relationship anyway.

But, it was different for Nishinoya. The following school day, he couldn't stop blabbering and nagging Tanaka about his love life.

"I think she's an angel, Ryuu! She's godsent from the heavens!" he exaggerated as they walked to the gym, "When she touched my forehead that day I got hurt, I was sure of it!"

"Kiyoko-san's the only angel for me!" Tanaka proudly bragged.

"Take care of Kiyoko-san, I'm a changed man now, Ryuu!" he pat his friend's back.

"I'm marrying Ayase Y/N. Nishinoya Y/N, it sounds even more awesome!" he added, "Or if I marry into her family, then, then," he stuttered and blushed like a teen girl, "A-Ayase Yuu!"

"Y/N this, Y/N that, Niiyama this, Niiyama that, and now he's even talking about marrying her," Tsukishima gossiped with Yamaguchi from the back of the court.

"Whaddya say?!" Nishinoya heard him, "She's my girlfriend now, ya know!"

Since Nishinoya could never last a day without even talking to Y/N at least once, Y/N would often find her notifications all blown up with messages and interactions online.

"Nishinoya Yuu liked your tweet."

"Nishinoya Yuu retweeted 6 of your..."

"Noya_Yuu commented on your post."

It wasn't anywhere near annoying as he never really demanded his clinginess to be reciprocated. Nishinoya was just happy pouring all his love and attention to Y/N, never expecting anything back.

"Good morning!!!" he'd always text, "What did you have for breakfast?"

"Good night!! I really really like you!" you read before you slept.

The weekends finally came and Nishinoya has never been more excited for a Saturday. Deprived of physical interactions with Y/N for a week, he was getting clingy.

"I need my Vitamin Y/N," he whined and got his phone, the only way he'd been able to get in touch with her.

"Baby," he read her nickname, making him feel giddy and excited.

"Y/N-chan!!" he messaged her, now staring at the screen for her reply.

"Hello," she replied after a few seconds.

"Can I take you on a date!"

"Ah, I meant '?' " he corrected.

"Where to?"

"Aquarium!" he recalled that she wanted to go there.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yup yup!"

"Then sure, Yuu-senpai."

"Okay!! I'll pick you up 10AM tomorrow!!" he sent and switched apps, now checking dating tips.

"Tomorrow??" she confirmed.

"Then it's a no? 😭🥺🥺"

Y/N could already guess the puppy eyes he was making and the adorable pout he had. She guessed it right as Yuu frowned on his screen.

"Ah, I'll see you tomorrow," she replied.

"What face is he making now?" she asked herself, imagining Nishinoya.

"See you!! Good night, I really really like you, Y/N!" it served as his daily reminder for her, though she still hasn't had the guts to say it back either.

"Good night, Yuu-senpai. I missed you," she texted instead. It her own way of saying, I really like you too.

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