19 | angelfish

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"Yeah, I really want to do it, Y/N-chan," he nodded at Y/N excitedly, "Let's travel the... world," he paused as he saw her worried expression.

"What's wrong?" he faced her.

"I decided to go pro, Yuu," she admitted and covered her mouth in shock.

"But, but you wanted to travel before, right? Right?" he asked, trying to convince himself there was a chance for her to change her mind.

"I was scouted," she revealed and took a step back.

"You really decided?" Nishinoya asked and held her hand tighter, not wanting to let her go.

She looked at the ground with her brows knitting out of frustration and dismay. She nodded, revealing her answer.

Nishinoya's grip loosened, and she swung her hand back at her. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"We can still make it work, right? We still have a year or so? Right?" he bargained desperately.

Y/N can no longer look at him in the eye as she eyed on the nearing end of their relationship.

"I don't know, Yuu," she answered, still looking at the ground.

The noise of the crowd took over in their conversation as neither knew what to say.

"I see," Nishinoya finally spoke.

Y/N looked up at him slowly as he faced the display once again.

"What do you want to do now, Y/N-chan?" he asked and placed his hands on his pockets, "Where else?"

"Giftshop," she murmured.

"Let's go," he told her and began walking. Y/N followed and walked alongside.

"I want to buy my sister a gift," she spoke softly. She never heard a response from him.

They arrived shortly after and she walked around, checking the merchandise. Meanwhile, Nishinoya stared at the angelfish keychain. "Angel," muttered and got one for himself.

"Do you like that?" he heard her voice behind him.

"Yes," he answered.

His enthusiasm was long gone and Y/N knew it. She grabbed one for herself and they headed to the counter to pay.

They walked out of the aquarium, with neither of them speaking.

The scenery was getting more familiar for Y/N and she realized they were near. This time, it was her who held his hand first and her fingers intertwined with his. Disappointingly for her, his grip was loose but she clung on it still.

"We're here," Nishinoya pointed it out and took her to the doorstep of her home.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"I'll go inside now," she added and let go of his hand. She grabbed her keys from her bag.

"Okay," he nodded and pulled his hand away.

"Ah, wait," she paused and faced him again.

His brows raised, "Yes?" he asked.

She gripped on his hand again and pulled him closer to her. She took a step forward and quickly cupped his cheek with one hand. She tilted her head before kissing him impulsively.

"Good night," she spoke as soon as she broke the kiss, leaving Nishinoya starstruck.

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