16 | ambition

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Nishinoya's eyes widened as her words reached him, causing him to be shocked and starstruck. As someone who can't ever stay still, being speechless was something so new to him.

"My Y/N-chan likes me?" he thought, completely forgetting they were already dating to begin with.

Embarrassed by her own confession, she looked down and smiled, fixing her hair.

"Let's continue watchi- A-achoo!," she softly muttered to change the topic.

Nishinoya couldn't bring himself to just brush it off and watch. It was the first time Y/N reciprocated his feelings and he was on cloud nine.

"I like you, Y/N-chan! I really, really like you!" he exclaimed as tackled her just like before, going for a tight embrace. It no longer startled her, he was getting predictable to her now.

"He's really energetic no matter what," she thought as he held her.

Her hands idled on the side, unsure what to do or what to even say. His head snuggled on her neck and shoulder, tickling her for a bit.

As Y/N tried to keep up with him, her hands slowly crawled to his back, returning the embrace with a bashful expression. Y/N was just relieved Nishinoya couldn't see her face.

After breaking the hug, the two paused as they saw each other's faces flushed in shade of red. Nishinoya, as usual, laughed it off, "You're so red, it's cute, Y/N-chan," he commented.


She just shook her head, not thinking of a comeback. She reverted her attention back to the laptop screen and watched the nearing end.

Nishinoya, now back with his usual energy, pulled her closer to him with his arm once again.

As the credits rolled later on, Y/N straightened her position and stretched her arms.

"Oh?" Nishinoya mumbled as she leaned away, almost starting to pout.

"Well, do you want to watch something else now or?" she asked and stretched her legs.

"Another action movie?" he asked excitedly.

The two spent the entire afternoon watching another action movie, as Nishinoya requested. It was a relaxing afternoon, except for Y/N's occasional sneezes.

Nishinoya was feeling much more comfortable around Y/N but ironically couldn't sit still. He'd lean on her sometimes, hold her hand, and even card his fingers through locks of her hair.

"By the way, isn't your aunt going to come home or something?" he asked.

"Isn't it a little too late to be worried about that?" she raised a brow, "Well, she's on a business trip right now."

"Ohhh. Does she go away often?'

"Yes. It gets a little lonely sometimes," she added, "But it's okay."

"Call me whenever you feel lonely, Y/N-chan. I'll take you out on dates."


"Yeah. Let's travel the world or something," he chuckled at his ambitious dream.

"Sure, when I get lonely," she went along with his joke.

"I want to go somewhere far, like, Russia or something, Brazil? Hawaii?" he blurted out.

"Is that what you want to do in the future?" she asked seriously this time.

"Maybe," he tilted his head.

"What if we become pro-" her words were interrupted by the ringing of his phone.

"Oh, sorry!" Nishinoya exclaimed and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"It's okay," she reassured.

"This'll be quick, promise!" he said and got out of the bed to answer the call.

The movie was nearing its end and Y/N turned off the laptop, not wanting to watch another hardcore action movie.

Still feeling sick, she laid on the bed and grabbed her phone as she waited. She scrolled through social media and upon seeing one of Nishinoya's photos, she deliberated if she should also have him as her wallpaper or something.

She imagined how he'd react if he found out. It made her heart flutter unknowingly. And so she did, and saved his photo as her lockscreen.

She locked then unlocked her phone to see how it looked. Nishinoya's awarding photo 2 years ago was definitely a good fit.

Meanwhile, for Nishinoya, his call took longer than he expected. So as soon as he hung up, he excitedly walked in her room again, only to see her sleeping soundly, with her phone loosely sitting on her hand.

"My angel's asleep?" he thought.

He slowly and quietly approached her and gazed at her lovingly. He couldn't help but smile and he was now fighting the urge not to kiss her forehead.

Nishinoya, as expected, lost.

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