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- Don't forget to check on the workers of the new houses and you know the herbs that the pack healer asked for from the blue pack will arrive tomorrow, you will have dinner with their people and you have to accompany them to the guest house, about the hun-

- Why are you going to the south west pack ? Asked Jungkook suddenly interrupting his father ordering session.

- Don't cut me when i'm talking, so i said-

- I want to know, why are you keeping things from us ? what is the purpose of your sudden visit to the south west pack? Insisted Jungkook.

- Jeon Jungkook, one other word and i will put you outside. Yelled his father.

- Oh you don't have to, i'm leaving this amazing meeting by myself, have a wonderful trip. Said Jungkook with sarcasm and he stormed outside.

Youngi next to him didn't even moved an inch. Jungkook's father sighed angrily before continuing

- Such a spoiled brat, anyways Youngi about the hunting duties i want to remind you only one of you should go hunting not both. I think that's it, it's only three days so i think you will be fine. Ah also we would prefer that during our visit you and jungkook stay in our houses with your mothers, you can't leave them alone. Jiwan do you want to say something ?

- No, just about the herbs, don't forget to ask the pack healer to check the herbs before the guests went back to their home.

- She probably know her job, i don't have to remind her. Said Youngi.

- Youngi, i understand you hate us but this is about the pack. Said Jungkook's father.

- Have a safe trip. Said Youngi and was about to leave the office before turning back to say, i hope you studied well your next move because this time, i'm not playing the shock absorber, i will be the storm.

And like that he left his father and Jungkook's father who both looked at each, worriness clearly present in their face.


- Did they tell you why are they going to the south west pack?

-No Jungkook and stop asking me, you make it look like they trust me with their secrets.

- I asked mom she said they will tell us when it's the right time, hyung i'm sure now it's about what you said last time.


- What are you going do if they are really going there to choose omegas for us?

- Nothing, i'm going to leave this pack forever.

Jungkook took a minute to think before saying

- Do you think we can survive alone? It's not that easy to go rogue.

- There is no we kid, you are the future leader of this pack, get your shit together and stop being a spoiled kid. Said Youngi as he took the box of watermelon to put it in the storage house.

Jungkook scoffed before throwing the towel around his neck.

- Oh yeah and the future second in command leaving the pack is normal to you but me no i'm being the spoiled kid, wow what an amazing logic you have.

- Listen kiddo, leading a pack is a very important role not everyone can do it but second in command don't worry, we have too many powerful alphas in the pack, choose one of them and the problem solved. Said Youngi putting the box down.

Jungkook's face turned even more serious as he got closer to his hyung.

- That simple ! It's not like generation after generation the pack leader and his right hand are selected because of their strong blood and DNA, now you want to change everything, creat new rules, you are so fucking selfish like always, you choose yourself in any kind of situation, you don't care about anyone or anything, you can do anything to keep your peace of mind even if that means leaving your own family, your own pack... oh no no i'm sorry i get it, i'm a spoiled brat who are arguing with his dad about stupid society rules, but you of course you are the wise adult who lived the most tragic thing in the world and people problems are nothing compared to what you have lived, let's keep mourning about a thing that happened four years ago!!

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