CHAPTER 19 - Not for him

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As Sindhu gaped at them in horror, Karthik cleared his throat snapping her out of her terror filled thoughts.

"Uh... Um.. Hi" Sindhu replied, trying to look excited though she was sure she looked like a lost puppy right now.

"Hi" Tulasi said, giving a small smile.

Wow. She is very beautiful. No wonder he still loves her, Sindhu thought dryly.

"Please come in" she said softly, remembering that she has to be polite to the guest.

When they stepped in, she quickly went to kitchen to bring water.

"Chilled or plain?" she asked, coming back with a Tupperware water bottle and a glass of plain water.

"Chilled please" Tulasi replied, taking the bottle from her hand.

"Do you want water?" she asked, looking at Karthik who was lost in his thoughts.

He turned to her "No, thank you"

She nodded, lowering her head as million doubts crept in her mind.

Why is she back? Wasn't she married? And what did Karthik mean by saying she is going to stay with them? Will she be here forever? Is he going to marry her too?

The last thought dreaded her. Oh no!! I don't want to share him with another wo--

"Thank you" Tulasi's voice brought her out of her ridiculous thoughts.

She nodded taking the bottle from her hand "Please be seated"

She went back to kitchen to bring something to eat as Tulasi looked fatigued and weak.

"Eat this" Sindhu placed a plate of wheat biscuits on the teepoy while slicing apple and adding the pieces to the plate.

"It's ok. I don't--"

"You look tired. Have something" she interjected before Tulasi denied.

Tulasi gave a sad smile nodding "Thanks"

Sindhu saw Karthik observe the two of them from the corner of her eye. She really wanted to know what happened to Tulasi who looked like she's lost a battle.

Clearing his throat, Karthik started slowly "Sindhu. Come to m--our room"

Our room?

She nodded following him to his room where he locked the door behind them.

"Um.. You know who she is, right?" he asked slowly, looking like he's scared of her answer.

"Of course I do. She was your girlfriend" she said nonchalantly.

He nodded "Um. So----is it ok with you if she stayed?"

Really? You ask that question after bringing her home? After announcing that she will be staying with us? She wanted to say all of that; instead she replied "It's your house. Why are you even---"

"OUR. I told you our house" he replied seriously.

She rolled her eyes "Whatever. So, will you tell me what happened to her? Why is she like that?"

He sighed "It's a long story"

"Make it short; she is all alone there"

He blew out a breath "Problems with her in-laws family regarding dowry. Her parents gave a site to them during her wedding but it was occupied illegally by some politician. Her in laws now want her parents to give the money since they lost the land"

"What can she do about it?" she asked angrily.

"That's what she told them but they sent her back to her parents' house. She is only allowed if she came back with that money which she doesn't have"

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