CHAPTER 35 - A quiet Sunday

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Though Karthik was free the next day, he didn't want to go to his parents' house after a working Saturday. It was a long time since he went to see them; yet, he wanted to stay back.

When he was married, he kept his distance from his mom as he was angry at her for blackmailing him and also because he worked on Saturdays and didn't have time. After that, he didn't go as he wanted to be with his wife during weekends. In all these months, he visited only a couple of times; alone, when he was early from work. Maybe next week, he can go with Sindhu.

It surprised him, how so much changed in him after he acknowledged his feelings for her. His life changed, upside down which made him realize that he was meant to be with her.

When Sindhu went to bath, he crept out of the house to buy chicken, planning to cook for her. It's not much, but she would be delighted.

He was surprised to see her in the dining waiting for him, when he was back.

"Where did you go?" She asked him, in worry. She was puzzled to see the house empty when she came back from bath and tried calling him but found his mobile in their room.

"I went to buy this" He replied with a smile, showing the packet of chicken to her.

She sighed "You could've told me"

He shrugged "Sorry"

"Alright. Let's have breakfast" She said, giving him a small smile.

He pulled out a chair and started eating when Sindhu asked him "How's Ravi?"

"He is fine; talks a lot about you"

"Really? What does he say?"

Karthik smiled hearing the word 'Really' which she didn't notice having said it as he replied "Just the usual stuff. He praises you a lot though"

"Why don't you bring him one day? Is he married?"

"Yes, he is" He frowned thinking about his best friend's behavior every time they discussed Sindhu.

"What happened?" Sindhu questioned, observing the sudden change in his demeanor.

"I don't know. I think something's not right in his life"

"Oh. Haven't you asked him what happened?"

"No. That's none of my business" he said casually.

"What? Are you serious? He is your best friend"

He sighed, looking sad "I know. But, it's his personal life"

"So what? As long as he is your friend, everything that concerns him should concern you too"

"You think I should talk to him? But, isn't that like interfering in his life?" he asked slowly, looking doubtful.

"He is a part of your life, isn't he?" when Karthik slowly nodded, she added "Then, his life and problems are a part of yours too"

Seeing him still looking doubtful, she took his hand into hers and explained patiently "Karthik. That's what friends are for. To be able to help and support, to talk about everything that can't be discussed with parents, siblings or even spouses"

"You think I can help him? With whatever he is facing?" he asked softly.

She smiled "We can help him."

He smiled too, hearing her answer and decided to talk to his best friend about his married life. It might be a first but he wanted to see him happy.

"I think he has problems with his wife" Karthik blurted out.

"Apparently, every man on this planet has that" Sindhu murmured under her breath.

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