CHAPTER 39 - Fake arguments

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"Have you logged in?" Sindhu shouted from the kitchen while Karthik was entering his login credentials into his skype account.

"I am almost done" he yelled back.

Once he was logged in, he picked up his laptop and strode towards the kitchen "I am going to our room. The signal's good there"

"Fine. I will be there in a couple of minutes" she replied, stirring the potato curry in the pan.

She joined him on the bed, a few minutes later and found the two guys chatting animatedly.

"Hey Hemu.. How are you?" She said excitedly, resting her back on the headboard while changing the position of the laptop for a better view.

"I am good drama queen. Heard that you are giving your husband a tough time" he said with a smirk while Karthik chuckled beside her.

"Who told you that?" she said fiercely before turning her attention to the person sitting beside her "Did you?"

"I didn't" He said, raising his hands in defense "I think it's your dad"

"I don't believe you" she said, narrowing her eyes at him.

"I promise I didn't" He said firmly, trying to stop himself from smiling "I learnt from someone that one should never discuss their spouses' problems with their friends"

She smiled remembering the talk she had with Swetha before she understood what he meant "You have problems with me?"

"Guy guys please" Hemanth's voice diverted their attention from the argument "You can fight later"

"Fine. Where is your girlfriend?" she asked, seeing his room empty behind him in the screen.

"She isn't here. And um-- I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet"

"What do you mean you haven't asked her?"

"I like her; a lot. But, I haven't confessed my feelings yet" Seeing their worried faces, Hemanth added quickly "Don't worry about me. We became close friends and I know that she likes me too. But I want to know more about her before asking her hand for marriage"

Sindhu grinned "You want to marry her? Wow..."

Hemanth smiled "Yes. I am almost sure that she is the one for me but I need a bit more time to gather the guts to ask her"

"I am very happy for you bro" Karthik said happily "So, where is she from? India or US?"

"Though she if from Punjab (India), her parents settled here just after she was born" he replied enthusiastically.

"Oh My God. You are going to marry a North Indian, settled in US. Will your parents agree?" Sindhu said.

"I don't care about their acceptance" he replied, waving his hand as if unimportant "I only want your parents' approval. And it doesn't really matter where a person's from. Does it?"

"Nah. What matters is that you love her. Who cares about region or religion?"

"True" Karthik added, nodding to her statement.

"But, I still want to see her" she said with a pout.

"Next time, ok? Sargun wants to see you too, you know. She said she never heard of a person as crazy as you" he said with a chuckle.

"What the hell did you tell her about me?" she shrieked.

"Just a few things you did while growing up"

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