Chapter 8

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Kyran, under his breath: Future girlfriend say what
Gold: what?
Kyran: [internal screeching]


Alec: that's it I can't take it anymore we need to break up
Funneh: What? Why?
Alec: I can't keep letting you hurt me this way
Funneh: All I did was smile


Rainbow: are you okay?
Lunar, planted face down: im having me time


Evan: when you meet someone for the first time and it's new and exciting. you know that rush
Kyran: no. no, see, when i first meet somebody it's mostly panic, anxiety, and a great deal of sweating


Elijah, flexing: I put the bi in bicep
Alec, not looking up: you also put the bi in bitch
Elijah: well you put the bi in bitter


Lunar: You guys ever just feel like skdhfskjlgnvks?
Gold: How did you say that with your mouth
Draco: all the time


Evan: Ah yes baguettes, the snakes of bread. We'll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.
Meghan: what?
Alec: Ignore him


Funneh: breath if you think im cool
Gold: Lunar you're turning blue...


Alec: I like dark humor
Kyran, turning off the lights: wanna hear a joke


Evelyn: What are you getting Kyran for Christmas?
Gold: I don't know. It's kinda hard buying something for your husband for Christmas when he already got everything he could've ever wanted when he married you. So I'm not sure yet.
Funneh: im getting him a divorce lawyer


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