Chapter 35

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Two uploads cause I'm slacking in you guys :,)


Gold: It's a burden, you know.
Funneh: *pulling Gold into a hug* What is, Gold?
Gold: Being this good-looking. Not a soul can keep their hands off me.


Kyran: Last time you cried?
Alec: Fifteen minutes ago.


Celeste: You need to be nicer
Yandere: I am nice
Celeste: You threatened Elijah with a knife this morning..
Yandere: Yeah, but I didn't stab him


Rainbow: How do you feel?
Lunar: Thanks for asking, I have no idea.


Evan: Breaking news, turns out I'm a dumbass.
Alec: That's not even dent-making news. We already know you are.


Gold: when people get a little too chummy with me, i like to call them by the wrong name to let them know i don't really care about them.
Funneh: that's a genius move.
Gold: thank you.
Funneh: you're welcome, Sold.


Elijah: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I know nothing
(Ponytail Elijah RIGHTS)


Gold: What have I told you about comparing Funneh to Satan?
Lunar: That its offensive to Satan?


Evan: I'm having one of those thing...a headache with pictures
Alec: What the fuck?
Kyran: He's having an idea.


*marriage counseling*
Yandere: Celeste never lets me do anything
Celeste: by anything she means murder

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