Chapter 4

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I sat there in disbelief staring at the door, still not being able to comprehend what had just happened. I was in such a state of shock, that I hadn't noticed Sandy walking up to me. She waved her hands in front of my face with a concerned look, "Uh Cecelia, you okay?" she asked taking a seat in the same chair Harry was sat in.

"Um... I don't know?" I reply unsure of my own answer. I turn my body to face her while holding my head in my hands. "Sandy, I just had a whole ass conversation with THE Harry Styles," I say, still not believing what had occurred less than two minutes ago.

"He's such a sweetheart right?" she asks, smiling.

"Wait. You know him?!" I exclaim, my head snapping up as I lean forward now becoming even more interested in our conversation.

"Yeah! We're great friends. We have been for a couple years now. He's been coming here ever since he moved to LA in fact. He's quite the charmer," she says excitedly.

"Was he the one making you laugh this morning?" I ask, finishing my iced coffee.

She laughed thinking back to this morning, "Yes actually, he mentioned something about having an addiction to our coffee here."

Huh... That's weird, I thought about that just a couple days ago. What a coincidence.

"What did he want from you?" she asks sitting back in the chair.

I blush thinking about his question, "Well he actually offered me a place to stay for the meantime, you know, just until my apartment is done or whenever the self - isolation thing is lifted."

Her eyes widen at my announcement, "Shut the. No freakin' way!" she responds slamming her hands on the table while she sits up.

"Umm, yeah... but I don't think I will. I mean, my dad is already working something out anyways. It'll just get too complicated." I say waving it off.

"What are you talking about?" she questions. "This man just offered you a place to stay out of the blue and you don't know?!"

"Well I don't want to become an inconvenience to him y'know? I bet he has better things to do than be stuck with some brown girl during this pandemic," I say finally allowing his proposition to settle in.

"Well when you put it that way...but think about it for a couple of days. What if your dad can't find a place for you in time?" she suggested.

I didn't think of that. She's right, what if I can't find a place in time for Friday?

"Okay, I'll think about it," I say looking around noticing that it was getting busier.

"Good! I have to go now before I get yelled at," Sandy said giggling. "Bye Cecelia, I'll see ya soon!" she said, sending me a wink before jogging off towards the counter.

When she left, my eyes drifted towards the Sony Music package that was still left unopened. I looked around making sure no one was close enough to read the artist I was accompanying. With shaky hands and a racing heart, I reach for the package. I hold my breath as I open the flap, excitement and nervousness building up as I pull the papers out. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my mouth as my widen eyes read over the heading:

The tour/artist you will be joining from April 2020 - April 2021:

Harry Styles - LOVE on Tour


It's been two days since I've spoken to Harry and opened the tour package from Sony at the Beachwood Cafe. I raced home as soon as I read that I was going to be - well supposed to be, touring with Harry, and called Tracey and Gabriela. To stay they were excited was the understatement of the century.

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