Chapter 10

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After Harry and I dried off, he cooked us all an amazing meal while Mitch made us drinks. That whole bakery thing really paid off if you ask me. Harry made sure our glasses were always filled to the rim. I guess it's the watermelon sugar music video release that had him in a good mood. It was now late in the evening, Sarah and I were cuddled up by the fire under a heap of blankets while Mitch and Harry were sprawled out in the family room watching Full House reruns.

"Harry talks a lot about you, Cecelia," Sarah says glancing over to me.

"What?" I ask her, shocked.

That's the second person to tell me this...

"I don't know if you've ever heard him, but he calls us and talks about you to Mitch and I," she explains. I slowly slid in embarrassment under the blankets as my cheeks blushed in a shade of pink.

"You make him really, really happy. The world may not know it, but it's been a rocky time for him," Sarah tells me. I give her a strange look.

"What do you mean?" I ask, raising my head from the blankets in concern.

"Let's just say he's been stuck in this weird state since the album was released. Ever since you've moved in, everyone can see a difference in him. A good one," she explains.

My heart warms with what she says. I look inside to the family room and catch Harry already looking at me. He gives me a smile and a little wave. My face heats up once again to the sight of him as I smile back and return his wave.

"I think it's time Mitch and I head out," Sarah smirks as she gets up. "Mitch, babe, it's time to go," she calls out, walking towards the family room. I follow quietly behind her, rolling my eyes in response as I lean against the door frame. Mitch stumbles up nearly falling, but Harry catches him in time.

"I'm going to call you an Uber, okay?" Harry tells them, shaking his head in laughter as he pulls out his phone.

"While he's doing that, Sarah let me give you some leftovers from today, there's way too much food here for the two of us," I call out to her over my shoulder as I make my way to the kitchen.

"Thanks Cecelia," Sarah says, taking the containers from me.

"Uber's here!" Harry shouts, as he walks to the stairs with Mitch leaning on his shoulder. Sarah rolls her eyes and mutters, "Every. Damn. Time." I giggle at her response and follow them down to the driveway. Before Mitch gets into the Uber he turns over to me, wraps his arms around my shoulders and whispers quietly in my ear...

"You take care,"


"of my,"


"b-best friend okay? He really, really"


"likes having,"


"you around."

I simply nod and smile. Harry came over grabbing Mitch and helped him into the back of the car as he let out a hearty chuckle.

"Take care you two!" I tell them as Sarah climbed into the back sending us a wave before the car drove off. Harry and I stood there watching the car drive away, until he broke the silence with a loud yelp. I stared up at him with wide eyes. "Everything okay?" I ask, chuckling at him.

Harry looked down at me with a toothy grin, "I'm just really happy. Despite everything that's been going on in the world, I had a wonderful time today," he exclaimed, as we walked towards the house. "Mitch and Sarah love you. I've never seen Mitch laugh as much as he did today," he smiled at me, taking the lead as he walked up the stairs.

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