Chapter 5

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As soon as Harry left the cafe, I ran to the counter to tell Sandy I was moving in with him. "SANDY!" I yelled from the front. She came running from the back with a pan in her hand, ready to swing. I gave her a weird look, as my eyes went from the pan to her. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask her, confused.

"I thought you were being attacked," she says sheepishly, lowering the pan. "What happened? Why are you yelling?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I have changed my mind, wait no! Harry changed my mind, I'm moving in with him!" I say, jumping up and down while clapping my hands. Sandy put the pan down and began cheering with me.

"Well what are you still doing here then? Go home and pack girlfriend!" she exclaimed. I squealed with excitement and ran home. As I ran up the stairs of my apartment, I quickly sent Gabriela and Tracey a text:

To: The Brownie Gals


Not even a second later I get a text back:



Tracey: WHOOP WHOOP!!! You go girl!!!

I laugh as I read their replies.

Cecelia: I'll call you guys later and give you the full scoop!!

When I enter my apartment I rush over to my kitchen, tossing my sunglasses and purse on the counter, pull out my phone and call my dad.

"Hey Lia! How are you doin'?" Dad answered happily.

"Hey dad! I'm actually doing great. I have some news for you," I say full of excitement.

"Really! That's good, but before you start, I just wanted to let you know that none of my hotels have gotten back to me yet," he admits.

"That's okay dad because uhh... a friend of mine has offered me a room at their house," I say wondering what his reaction would be.

"Oh really! That's wonderful. Who is it?" he asks.

I cringe hoping he wouldn't ask this question, "Umm i-it's no one you know, just a friend from work?" I answer with an unsure tone, hoping he doesn't push any further.

"Hmm okay I see. You know you can tell me anything right?" he replies seeing past my bullshit.

"Yes father I know," I say rolling my eyes, "Just trust me okay?"

I hear him let out a sigh from the other side, "Okay Lia, let me know if you need anything else. I'll send you some more money in a week or two, I love you."

I smile not wanting to cry just by listening to his voice, "Thanks so much dad. Bye, I love you too," swallowing the lump forming in the back of my throat, I slowly hang up.

I held my head back hoping the tears would just sink back into my eyes and not spill out like they were threatening to right now. I shake my head and look around the room, trying to come back to my senses.

"Time to get to work," I mumble to myself and begin packing the stuff that was already out of their boxes. I throw on some Eagles to help speed up the process.

After hours of packing, dancing, and singing, I throw myself onto my air mattress and let out a loud sigh, I roll over to check my phone, 12:30AM.

Better head to bed if I want to get some sleep...


Thursday was a pretty slow day. It was mainly just sitting around my apartment bored, watching youtube videos, eating, and the occasional dance party. Gabriela and Tracey were very happy when I called and filled them in on what had happened at the cafe with Harry. To put it in exactly Gabriela's words, I needed to 'hop into those British trousers and bang the life out of one Mr. Harold Styles'. As soon as she said that, she was attacked by Tracey for being such a hoe, which ironically, we all agreed she was.

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