Chapter 17

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Hey everyone!!

Hope everyone's summer is going well! Sorry for the wait, here ya go!!

I tried to edit this chapter as fast and good as I could for you all! So I apologize if there are any spelling/grammatical errors!

Also that's Cecelia's bathing suit! 

Hope you guys know where that song is from ;)


It took me a few seconds to come back to my senses after Harry left me frozen from his sly comment. I quickly ran upstairs and raked through my suitcases to find a bathing suit to wear. I stopped when I came across this simple blue and white striped tie up bikini that I've had tucked away at the bottom of my boxes. I hold up the almost nonexistent fabric to my body as I look at myself in the mirror...

Hmm, if he wants to play this game, who am I to refuse...

Now, I would never wear something like this, but ever since 20 minutes ago, I've had this surge of confidence that is giving me the power to wear this, especially in front of Harry. I mean, yeah, he's seen me in a bathing suit before but it was always accompanied by an oversized t-shirt, usually his. I still remember that one time he threw me in the water and freaked when he saw my bra through my top. I wonder what his reaction will be when he sees me in this now that we've done some... things together.

Before heading downstairs, I throw my hair up in a bun, grab my sunglasses and toss one of Harry's old tops on. As I near the bottom of the stairs, I can already hear the blender going nuts and loud music coming from the stereo. Entering the kitchen, I see Sarah sitting at the island in her bathing suit watching a shirtless Harry and Mitch attempt at whipping up some margaritas.

I walk up behind Harry giving him a quick peck on his back and making sure to give his bum a quick pinch causing him to release a loud yelp. I giggle as I speed walk around the counter before he could respond and take a seat beside Sarah.

"Today is a day of celebration," Harry announced, shutting down the blender and taking the lid off, "Celebration because one, we did an amazing job on the livestream and two, Rose over here kicked ass at her first livestream performance and I couldn't be more proud and happy for her," Harry finished as he looked over at me with the most sincerest smile.

I almost began tearing up but was stopped by Mitch's loud cheering, "WHOOP! Now let's get drunk," he exclaimed as Sarah laughed at his craziness.

"Mitch, would you do the honours and pour us a couple shots please?" Harry asked as he laid out a total of 8 shot glasses, "I only have two rules for today. Number one, if you are taking a shot, you must take two because one shot is for pussy's and number two," Harry stopped, taking a dramatic pause, "Have fun," he grinned, handing me my shots and Mitch to Sarah.

Within the next couple of minutes, Sarah and I were already laughing uncontrollably for absolutely no reason, holding on to each other in an attempt of catching our breath. Mitch and Harry kept the drinks coming. It was hilarious watching them make up some weird concoction that ended up tasting like actual shit. After what felt like forever, the boys finally got it right. We all cheersed our glasses together and chugged our margarita's, chasing away the sweat that had already begun forming.

"Okay, as much as I love sitting around and drinking, I think the pool would be even more fun right now," Mitch stated as he walked backwards towards the outside.

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