Chapter 7

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A/N: Harry's Kitchen! The pool/hot tub is on the left. 


We stood on the balcony for a few more minutes in a comfortable silence before Harry received a call from his manager. After he disappeared to his home office, I hopped into the shower washing away the sweat and exhaustion from yesterday. I got dressed in a pair of sweats with a thin, long - sleeved top.

At around 11a.m, I grabbed my phone and headed towards the stairs, passing by Harry's office. He seemed to be on an important call so I trekked down quietly, trying to avoid any loud movements, and made my way into the kitchen. I walked to the other side of the house where the piano sat and Facetimed Gabriela and Tracey. They answered immediately, screaming, but not as loud as the previous calls.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed with a huge smile on my face.

"Is he there!? Can we see him?!" Gabriela said with her face pressed up against the camera.

I laughed at her and shook my head, "Hello to you too and yeah he's here, upstairs actually. He's busy dealing with some tour stuff right now." I tell her while sitting on the white couch.

Gabriela let out a sigh, "Alright but we need to see him okay?" she said wagging her finger at the camera.

"So how's your stay at the Styles residence?" Tracey asked, finally getting a word in.

"Guys, it's amazing," I let a dreamy sigh, leaning back onto the couch. "He's actually the sweetest person ever. His house," I stop myself, "NO his MANSION, is humongous!"

"I bet that's not the only humongous thing in that house..." Gabriela trailed off, twisting a strand of her hair in her fingers.

"GABRIELA!" Tracey and I hissed at the same time and of course all she could do is laugh at us.

"Can you give us a little tour?" Tracey asked.

I scurried off the couch, "Of course! I'll show you some of the house and then show you the bedrooms later," I tell him, flipping the camera showing them around the kitchen, the pool, the family room, and of course the gorgeous view. Our conversation was filled with eye rolls from me, Tracey's 'ooh and 'aah's, and Gabriela pointing out all the possible places where Harry could have me 'face down and ass up'.

When we got towards the end of the tour Tracey pointed out something I hadn't noticed before. "Where do the stairs going down lead to?" she asked curiously.

"Maybe he has some sort of sex dungeon," Gabriela laughed to herself. At this point Tracey and I were used to her sly jokes. I just hope Harry doesn't get a chance to hear any of them. I would actually die from embarrassment if he did. I shrugged my shoulders, walking to the kitchen when my stomach started to grumble.

I placed my phone on the counter, standing it up on his salt and pepper shakers, "Not sure, he didn't mention anything yet..." I say trailing off when I heard Harry's voice getting louder.

I look up from my phone and see him coming down the stairs supporting his phone between his left cheek and shoulder with some papers in his hands. He moved the phone away from his ear and whispered loud enough for me to hear, "I'm just finishing up this last call, are you hungry?" he asked, setting the papers down on the first island.

I simply nod and scramble to turn my phone volume low when I heard Gabriela and Tracey squeal in excitement.

"Cecelia Rose Lovett, is THE Harry Styles standing in front of you?!" Gabriela yelped. I picked my phone up, lifted it to my face and smiled with a slight nod causing her to jump up and down while Tracey looked like she was about to faint.

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