Chapter 11

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I woke up to the bright sun streaming in and the sound of soft snores coming from underneath me, that's weird. Bed's aren't supposed to snore... It was only then I remembered where I was. I fell asleep on Harry, for the second time. I turned my head around slowly, trying to avoid waking him up. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. His eyes were moving rapidly under his eyelids while his mouth fell slightly open when he breathed. We've fallen asleep twice with each other and it was honestly the best sleep I have had since coming to California.

After 20 minutes, I finally unwove myself out of Harry's death grip and slowly crawled away from him and sat at the end of the couch. I looked back at him as the events of what had happened yesterday came rushing back. I can't believe he actually took the time to listen to me. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, but ever since I saw him at the Beachwood Cafe, I knew there was something about him I couldn't get over. What he did last night sealed the deal, I am falling head over heels for this man and there was nothing that could change my mind about that.

After grabbing one last look at Harry, I tiptoed my way back to my room and got dressed in a pair of sweats, black crop top, a black baseball cap, and my converse. I wanted to thank him for everything he did yesterday, so I did what most Indian families do when they want to shower someone with gratitude - we cook them a whole-ass meal.

Grabbing my purse, I sneak out the front door without making too much noise and head to Harry's garage

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Grabbing my purse, I sneak out the front door without making too much noise and head to Harry's garage. I opened the door only to face a row of cars and a motorcycle. Of course, one car isn't enough. If I was rich, I'd like to have more than one car to drive around in. Don't even get me started with that motorcycle. Let's just say guys with motorcycles are very, very nice to have around... do with that what you will...

I walk over to the board that's filled with car keys, close my eyes, and perform the most reasonable, adult-like act when choosing something worth more than my life - eenie meenie. I open my eyes after landing on a set of keys and pressing the unlock button. A yellow vintage Ferrari lights up in the far corner of the huge garage. Hmph, might as well travel in style. I hopped into the car and I pulled out of Harry's garage feeling the wind through my hair. Twisting the dials on the console, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Adore You came on the radio. Of course he's everywhere I go. By the time I got to the grocery store, the LA sun was up high with a cool breeze traveling through the city. I was even more grateful that Harry kept a set of face masks in the compartment box by the passenger side for when he left the house along with some hand sanitizer.

As I got out of the car, a group of girls came charging towards me, scaring the shit out of me in the process. They immediately stopped with confused faces when they noticed it was me who got out of the car. I'm assuming they were expecting Harry as they walked away with disappointed looks on their faces. I grab my purse, pulling down my cap further down as I head into the store.

Grabbing a cart, I roam through the aisles dropping in the necessary ingredients for the dish that I'm preparing for Harry. I take a look at the list I had prepared when I was in the car and notice that I'm missing an item. After a ten minute internal battle, I finally decided to give my dad a call.

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