Chapter 2. Maybe Just One More

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A/N: Most of this book will be in Stormie's POV, if not the entire book. So, I'm going to stop labeling POV's unless I change them up.

"Are you taking me driving today?" I asked my mom.

"Honey, I have things to do around the house, and I might have to go into work for a little while," she said.

"And nurse your hangover," I added, rudely.

"I'm really tired of your attitude," she retorted.

"I'm really tired of not having parents," I said, coldly.

Mom's eyes widened, and guilt clouded her eyes. She reached for me, but I rejected it and turned away from her.

Avery was standing in the doorframe that divided the living room and kitchen. His hair was disheveled, and he was shirtless. "Storm," he started.

I stalked past him, not giving him a chance to finish. I walked out the front door and slammed it shut. I sat down on the front steps and rested my face in both hands. My parents were so mixed up in their own misery that they didn't notice Mason or me anymore.

The screen door swung shut. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Avery. "Go away," I said. I continued to stare out over the yard.

Avery's leg brushed against mine when he sat down beside me on the step. "Look, I know you don't want to talk to me about what is going on."

"Then why did you come out here?" I asked. Irritation colored my tone.

"To take you for a drive," he said softly.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Yeah, right," I muttered. I peeked up at him to see if he would start laughing. I was no idiot; Avery loved that truck more than he loved anything. He loved it more than he loved himself.

His expression stayed serious. He held up the keys to his truck.

"Aren't you scared that I'll wreck it?" I challenged.

"I would never let you wreck my truck," he teased. "Besides, I have full coverage."

"Fine," I said and shrugged. I was still waiting for him to tell me he was kidding. I reached for the keys and took them from him.

"Let me go get a shirt on," he said.

"And brush your hair," I teased.

"And get me some coffee?" he asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. "I suppose." It's the least I could do since he was letting me drive his 'baby.' There was already coffee in the pot. All I had to do was pour some in a to-go cup.

Mom looked up at me in confusion. "Going somewhere?"

"Avery is going to take me driving since you won't," I muttered.

"Avery is going to take you driving?" Mom asked in disbelief.

"Is that hard to believe?" I asked, turning to face her with the cup in my hand.

"You two never did get along too well. What changed?" Mom asked.

I shrugged. The truth was, I was wondering the same. Maybe, Avery just felt sorry for me. I didn't want his pity, but in order to pass the driver's test that was scheduled for next month, I had to get in some more driving practice. Without another word, I headed out to his truck.

During my four week stay with my father in California, he didn't let me drive once. His new bride was a total snobby bitch. She had blond hair and was tall. She was thin and beautiful. It's easy to tell why my father fell at her feet and left my mom.

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