Chapter 17. Is This Illegal?

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"Stop being a wimp," Avery teased.

"It's so big, though," I muttered. 

"Come on. It's not that big," he said and laughed. 

"It's fucking huge, Avery," I argued.

"Just get on," he said. "It won't hurt."

"Until you hit a tree with it," I muttered. I wasn't happy about it, but I got onto the back of his motorcycle to please him.

"Remember what I told you?" he asked.

"Yes, if you lean right, I lean to the right. If you lean to the left, I should do the same," I repeated quickly. 


"This helmet is heavy," I grumbled. "You know if you were so confident that you weren't going to wreck this damn thing, why do I need to wear this?" I asked. I pointed at the black helmet on my head. "Is this what you put all your dates through?"

He snorted. "What dates? You're the only passenger I've ever had. That helmet is kind of like reassurance."

"Then why don't you wear one too?" I challenged.

He bit his lip and looked back at me. "I always wear a helmet..." he trailed off. "But that is the only one that I have." There wasn't a trace of humor in his eyes. 

"Oh," I breathed. 

"Keep your feet up," he said sternly.

"No problem," I agreed. Like, I want to lose a leg at sixty miles an hour by touching my foot to the ground. 

He kicked the bike to life and let his feet off the ground as the bike moved forward. He chuckled when I held onto him tighter. 

Every nerve in my body woke out of a coma and shook with excitement or fear; I wasn't sure which. Everything sped by quickly, and the wind fought against us and the bike. The motorcycle rumbled louder as Avery accelerated.

When we got into town, Avery weaved in and out of traffic.

I giggled. 

He looked back at me and smiled. "Not bad, huh?"

"Watch the road," I muttered.

He laughed and sped forward.

We started to drive out of Granbury. I wasn't sure where we were going because he refused to tell me. It was driving me crazy. 

"Babe, where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll find out when we get there," he said.

"You don't even know, do you?" I teased.

"I know exactly where we're going," he said and chuckled.

I huffed and rested my chin on his shoulder. "I hate surprises," I muttered.

"I know, but I love your reactions," he said.

I rolled my eyes but smiled.


"It's getting dark, Avery. You're not taking me clear to Dallas, are you?" I asked.

"We're almost there," he promised.

The streets were dark, but the traffic was heavy. People that were getting off work were flooding the streets. Fort Worth was a hundred times the size of Granbury. The wind blew harder against us. I was glad that Avery talked me into wearing a coat. 

We slowed down and turned into a parking lot. I looked up to see the name of the building. My eyes widened in shock.

Avery killed the bike.

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