Chapter 11. Is That What We're Doing?

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Avery's truck was filled. Claire and I were in the front seat, smashed between Avery and Mason. Caleb, Ryder, and Howie were in the back seat.

"Dude, I can't believe you came back at the end like that," Caleb said.

"Just lucky, I guess," Avery said.

The only one who heard the double meaning in his voice was me, which made me smile. My gaze flickered up to him, and he was looking at me too. He smiled wider at me and bit his lip, then looked away.

"What the hell was with you in the first half?" Mason asked.

"Not enough coffee?" Avery suggested and looked over at Mason.

I snickered and shook my head.

There was going to be a party at Alex's house. Sometimes the party was at Avery's home or Ryder's place. Seldomly, it was at our house, but I had never been to one of them. Partying was never on my agenda.

As we drove up the dirt road, I felt fingers brush along my thigh between my leg and Avery's. My eyes traveled down to my thigh to see his fingers trailing along my bare skin. It was too dark in the truck for anyone to notice.

My eyes flashed to his. His expression wasn't playful like it had been a moment ago. There was something in his eyes that held mine, and I couldn't look away.

Avery broke our stare and turned into a driveway. The house was modern and big. It was several miles past our homes.

"Alright, you guys got to find a different way home, tonight. When I go home, I'm just taking Stormie and Mason," Avery warned. "I'm not going all over hell."

The boys agreed to what Avery said.

"Actually, Claire and I are staying here tonight, so all you got to do is take Stormie home with you," Mason said. Mason pulled Claire out of the truck and kissed her as he spun her in a circle.

Claire giggled. "Come on, put me down."

Avery and I climbed out of the truck last. I started to head toward the house, but Avery turned me around to face him. I peeked around him to make sure nobody was watching us.

"Avery, one of these times someone is going to see us," I warned.

"I know, I'm not–" he stopped and shook his head. "Just come find me when you're ready to leave or vise versa. I don't want to stay here all night and get drunk."

"Oh, okay," I said.

"Have fun," he said.

We headed up to the house, and as soon as we made it to the stairs, Avery was pulled in one direction, and I was pulled in another.

"You owe us an explanation," Peyton said. Her eyes danced in amusement, and Jade nodded in agreement.

"You guys don't seriously want to hear this crap?" I asked.

"We have no life," Jade said.

"Clearly," I snorted.

They both arched a brow.

"I'm just kidding," I said. "You know I love you guys." I looped one arm in Jade's and the other in Peyton's. "I'm glad you guys came. I would have been bored out of my mind."

As we walked through the door, we were all handed red solo cups. "What's in this?" Peyton asked.

"Wap," some guy answered her question. I didn't recognize him.

We walked over to a quieter area that was away from everyone else.

"So, what is going on?" Jade asked impatiently.

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