Chapter 15. Possessive

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We had just barely won the football game. It was nerve-wracking to cheer in front of him. The entire time that I was in front of him, cheering, his eyes were dancing around my body in ways that weren't appropriate for the public to see. I was hoping that nobody noticed. 

I needed a drink, and naturally, the party had to be at Avery's house. The yard was lit up with twinkly lights, and there were several coolers outside. I bent over and grabbed a beer from one of them. When I turned around, I bumped into someone. I didn't have to look up to know it was Avery.

His cologne made a hundred of my brain cells dissipate in less than half a second. He smirked at me. Avery wasn't stupid. He knew he had a strong effect on me. 

Ever since I rejected him, he has given me hell. He will touch me any chance he gets, which always sends sparks through me. He teased and watched me. He even went as far as flirting with me. 

"Can I have one?" he asked politely. He had a hard time not laughing when I narrowed my eyes at him.

I handed him the beer in my hand and rolled my eyes. I turned, bent over, and grabbed another beer from the cooler. I turned back to face him. 

His eyes were down on the lower part of my body. He had been staring at my ass. His eyes flickered back to mine, and he smiled widely. "I think your brother wants one too."

"Mason can get his own damn beer," I snapped.

Avery bit his lip to hide a smile. "Feisty," he purred. "I like it."

"What the hell got into you?" I asked.

"I'm in a good mood," he said and shrugged. 

"Okay, I'm going over there," I said and gestured to my friends. I started walking across the yard, and when I looked back, I saw Avery staring at my butt. 


"What is going on with you two?" Jade asked. "I thought it was over?"

"It is," I hissed. The alcohol wasn't helping the fact that I was irritated. It only seemed to strengthen it. Maybe I need to smoke instead.

"Avery has been staring at you all night," Peyton said. 

"Girl, I wished a guy would stare at me like that," Jade said.

"Great, he stares at my ass. I'm sure plenty of guys have looked at your ass too, Jade," I said. 

"Why are you pushing him away?" Peyton asked. "It sounds messed up to me."

"I don't want to get hurt. We were doomed from the start. I deluded myself into thinking we had a chance," I said. I looked over my shoulder at Avery.

A senior girl, Candice, stood in front of Avery with her hand on his chest. She gave him a flirtatious smile and stood on her toes to whisper in his ear.

When I looked back at the other girls, they were watching Avery and Candice. 

Peyton looked at me worriedly, and Jade did the same.

"That's partly why," I said. "Girls throw themselves at him all the time. These girls are prettier than I am. It doesn't make sense for him to want me. Guys always want what they can't have, and for Avery, I'm that one he isn't supposed to mess with. He doesn't want some bratty immature sixteen-year-old virgin."

The girls stared at me with wide eyes.

I slammed my beer, threw it on the ground, and headed across the dark yard toward my house. My head spun from all the alcohol I had consumed, and I stumbled my way through the yard. 

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