Chapter 4

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Louis can't believe this. They can't do this to him. From everybody in whole fucking LA they sent a guy that is gay? Just his luck...

"So you like... are attracted to boys? You suck dick?"

Harry is shocked from Louis' boldness but chuckles lightly.

"Yes, Louis. That's exactly what being gay means."

"Maybe you should sleep in the hallway." Louis states, jaw clenched.

"What?" Harry looks surprised at the boy in front of him but is still smiling, maybe Louis is joking but he can't see a glimpse of humour in his eyes.

"Yeah, just take your mattress and drop it on the floor in the hallway. I think it's better." Louis avoids all eye contact with the curly boy in front of him.

"Why if I may ask?" Harry feels kind of hurt. Louis and him were doing okay and after hearing that Harry is gay he just tells him to sleep in the hallway. He wants to hear the excuse from the other boy. He is quite curious which lie he is going to bring up.

"We have to wake up early for school tomorrow. I snore. Just don't want to ruin your sleep. Now take your mattress and put it wherever you want, hallway, living room, kitchen, the fucking garden, I don't really care." Louis is texting Eleanor while speaking. He doesn't want to look Harry in the eyes.

Harry feels offended but doesn't want to start drama on his first night in the new house.

"Okay fine. Which time should I wake up?"

"I'm leaving here at 8:00."

"Okay, well good night I guess. See you tomorrow."

Louis doesn't answer and only turns off the light in his room, leaving Harry in the dark. A sigh leaves Harry's lips as he takes the mattress and leaves Louis' room. He really hopes the boy won't be like that for the next three months. He just hopes it's only his first reaction and he will be fine again tomorrow. He could really use him as a friend in this foreign country.


"Harry, dear what are you doing here?" It's six o'clock when he hears a female voice talking to him.

"Good morning, Jay." Harry stretches himself and looks at the older woman in front of him.

"Why are you sleeping in the hallway? You must be freezing! There is no heating here."

"I'm good." Harry lies. He has been freezing all night but he shouldn't bother this lovely woman with that issue.

"Oh darling, do you want some breakfast? I know it's early but I don't think you should go back to sleep now. Louis will wake up in an hour. Why weren't you sleeping in his room? His room has a nice temperature. Didn't you feel comfortable yet?"

Both of them are walking downstairs now and Jay is making some tea for the both of them.

"Yeah, we both agreed it would be better." Harry lies, not wanting to cause a fight with Louis by snitching to his mother.

"Luckily your bed is fixed today. You'll have your own room here. No more sleeping in the hallway. What would you like on your toast? I've got ham, cheese, jam,..."

"Jam our cheese is fine. I'm vegetarian. Thank you, Jay." Harry smiles.

"Oh that's lovely! Louis eats way too much meat! We eat burgers every single day if we let him choose. Maybe you should show him some nice veggie food. That wouldn't be too bad. Louis literally runs away when he sees a broccoli."

Harry chuckles and takes a bite of his toast.

"If you want I can maybe cook a vegetarian meal for all of you once a week? Like let's say every Tuesday?"

"Oh, Harry that would be really nice but are you sure you want to cook for us? I don't want to burden you!"

"It's not a burden at all, Jay. I'm really thankful you are taking me in your lovely home and I really like cooking. It would be an honour to show you guys a part of the vegetarian kitchen. Many people think it's only some stupid salads but it's so much more. You can actually make amazing meals without meat and it's so much better for the environment." Harry smiles at the woman.

"That's a deal then. I'm really excited. You just give me a list of ingredients that you need and I'll get them when you are at school. Maybe you can show Louis how to cook as well. The boy even burns toast." Jay jokes.

"Well, good morning to you too, mom." A grumpy, small boy enters the kitchen and walks straight to the kettle with hot water, pouring himself some tea.

"Good morning my sunshine. Join us for breakfast." The woman smiles.

"Just want tea."


"What? I need to shower and change."

The boy doesn't say anything more and leaves the kitchen with his cup of tea, leaving Harry and Jay alone. Harry feels uneasy. Louis hasn't even looked his way. Did he do something wrong? He really wants to be okay with Louis.

"I should go get ready as well. Thank you so much for breakfast, Jay." The curly boy thanks the woman.

"You are welcome. If you don't feel like waiting for Louis, you can use my bathroom. It's on the first floor, second door on your right."

Harry gives Jay a thankful smile.

"Thank you so much. I appreciate everything you and your family does for me."

Harry walks upstairs and takes a shower, blow dries his hair and looks for an appropriate outfit to wear. He goes for a patterned shirt with different colours, oversized, and a black skinny jeans. He takes his yellow pair of sunglasses that still show his eyes and decides not to wear a bandana today. He has a good hair day.

When he goes downstairs he hears to people argue.

"But mom, I don't want to drive him!" Louis moans.

"You are driving him, Louis. I'm not accepting this attitude that you are having right now. It's not okay. And don't think I am stupid. You sent Harry into the hallway, whatever the boys says to protect you, I know this was all you Louis."

"You can't let me share a room with a gay guy! He is gay mom, so many things could have happened!" Louis exaggerates.

"This is not how I raised you, Louis Tomlinson! We are not homophobic in this house! Who taught you it was okay to be this hateful?"

"It's just not cool, mom. People at school..."

"Stop talking, Louis. I remember you having a crush on a boy."

"Mom, I was 5. Don't call me gay, I'm not gay. I'm cool."

Harry can't hear this conversation any longer. He wipes a tear away and enters the living room.

"Hey, Louis. Are you ready to leave for school?" Harry puts on his best fake smile and tries to sound like he hasn't been crying only a few seconds ago.

"Yeah." Louis takes his bag pack and walks towards the front door.

"Good luck at your first day, Harry! Louis, this conversation isn't over." Jay says before the two boys leave the house.

Louis rolls his eyes while Harry gives the woman a thankful smile. He is excited to be in the UK, Jay is so lovely, how can she have a son like Louis?


How do you guys feel about Louis' reaction? Comment xoxo

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