Chapter 35

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A week. It's been a week since Harry has seen Louis. He remembers when he came back from Stephanie's house after cleaning everything up. He went straight to Louis' room, wanting to talk about what happened. He wanted to hear Louis' explanation. But after standing in front of his door for ten minutes, Jay came upstairs.

"He is staying with his uncle for a while, Harry. I don't know what happened but I do know that when Louis is going to James, it's bad. Care to explain what happened?"

And Harry had no clue what to say. He briefly explained what happened, not going into any details. He couldn't lie to the person that takes him in her house.

Harry hoped to see Louis the day after at school, but he never showed and when they also got a substitute teacher for English, Harry got really worried.

He has tried to call Louis every single hour every day. Jay refused to give away James' address, following the request of her half-brother. Perrie and Zayn weren't helping Harry either, only giving him dirty looks when he approached them. As hard as Harry tried to get in contact with Louis, nothing worked.


'The person you are trying to reach...' Harry sighs and presses the red button on his touchscreen when he gets Louis' voicemail for the 7th time today.

"Stop calling him. He is a psychopath. Why are you even upset, be glad you got rid of him before he hurt you as well." Stephanie snaps at Harry during lunch.

"I'm worried and don't call him that. We don't know exactly what happened." Harry immediately defends the blue eyed boy. "By the way, he would never hurt me. He could have already a billion times."

"You heard what happened, Harry. Don't be so naïve because of your little crush on that dick.. He attacked my brother. It's nothing new. He attacked me before as well, you remember? Concussion, volleyball?"

Harry only nods, pushing his tray with food away from him. He can't eat if he doesn't know anything about Louis and he really doesn't feel like arguing with Stephanie.

"I get that you are upset about your brother Steph but Louis and Harry are friends. I talked to him as well last week at your house, he is a pretty chill guy."

"Really, Liam? Are you buddy buddy with the asshole as well now?" Stephanie's eyes are on fire, looking like she could kill someone. She stands up, picking up her tray of food.

"I'll see you later, or not." Without saying anything more she leaves the canteen.

"Harry, you look really bad. Maybe you should go to the nurse." Liam says with a worried expression.

"The nurse can't do anything."

"You can talk to me, you know that right?"

Harry nods.

"I know Steph is teasing you with that crush you have on Louis but don't let it bring you down. Don't let her opinion about him influence yours because honestly I think Louis might have a crush on you as well."

Harry's heart flutters when he hears Liam's words, for the first time smiling in a week.

"Do you think so? Why?"

"He has this look in his eyes. Like you give him a creepy love stare but his is softer. He only goes to his friends when he sees you arrived 'safely' to us. We talked at Steph's house and he only talked about you, how lucky he is to have you as his exchange partner."

"I should have gone with him. I can't stand not seeing or hearing him." Harry pulls his own hair in desperation. "I don't care what his fucking motive was to push the boy, I need to fucking see him, hear him, touch him. I'm going crazy, Liam. I'm going fucking mental." Harry's eyes are tearing and Liam puts a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Do you have any idea where he is staying? Is he with Zayn?"

Harry shakes his head.

"He is with mister Corden."

Liam raises his eyebrow. "Mister Corden? Isn't that illegal or something? Are you okay with... that?"

Harry can't help but chuckle when he sees Liam's face.

"He is his uncle, Li. No need to think about some huge scandal."

Liam sighs in relief but gives Harry a questioning look.

"Why don't you just go over to his place then to talk?"

"I don't have his address."

"If you want to I can drive you after school, Harry. I think it's still saved in my GPS from back when he gave me tutoring sessions at his place. Should I drop you off there?"

Harry thinks for a bit. James requested Jay to not give out his address, but he didn't get it from Jay. He is sure Louis doesn't want to see him or speak to him, but Harry has to. He needs them to be okay again or at least talk about what happened. Louis really was acting out of character. He just wants to see him, hear his beautiful voice even though it is only to hear himself getting kicked out. It's literally better than nothing.

"Yes, please. I'll meet you at my locker after last period. Thank you, Li. Your support really means a lot to me. I wish Steph..." Harry doesn't finish his sentence.

"I know, Harry. Look, I'm not supposed to tell you but I think you have the right to know. She still has feelings for Louis and doesn't really know how to cope with them. She never really got over their break up and she is secretly hoping that now El is gone she might have a chance again. Don't let that stop you from getting him, though. It's obvious that Stephanie means nothing to Louis. I don't want to give you false hope and I might be wrong but I really think he has a thing for you, H and that might be the problem. I think he feels a bit betrayed that you let him leave the house by himself."

Harry is attacked by emotions.

He feels so stupid that Liam literally came up with why Louis was upset. He isn't sure about the crush thing but Louis trusts Harry and he remembers the conversation they had in London where Louis said that Harry always picked Stephanie's side and that it hurt him. Harry didn't intend to make it look like that, but in that moment, and honestly still, Harry can't say that Stephanie was wrong. It was Louis who pushed her brother, give him a head injury. Harry didn't intend to pick her side. He just wanted to help his friend out and clean the bathroom while Stephanie and Tristan went to the hospital, nothing more. He had the intention to talk to Louis, not in an angry way. He was curious about his actions and he really didn't plan on yelling or something, he wanted to have a real heart to heart with Louis that night, telling him that he is on his side but that he has to think before he does something.

And the other feeling Harry has is jealousy. Stephanie is still after Louis and for some reason it pisses Harry off. He has been listening to her the whole fucking time.

The last feeling is naïve. Harry feels fucking naïve for being influenced by Stephanie, Louis' ex who still has a crush on him.

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