Chapter 51

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Hearing those words coming out of Louis' mouths must have been the most beautiful thing Harry has ever heard and the way his heart was beating couldn't be considered healthy anymore. He stroked Louis' hair, whispering that he loves him too.

And it was like hearing those words back that made Louis realise what he had said. He immediately scooted away from Harry and as soon as they arrived home, he helped Harry out of the car because yeah he does care a lot about him, but after he ran straight upstairs, screaming to his mother that he won't have dinner and made himself a warm bath.

"Do you know why Louis doesn't want to have dinner?" Jay asks before putting a baked potato in her mouth.

"I think he ate at Perrie's." Harry lies, playing with his food. He isn't hungry either but not showing up at dinner either would make things suspicious. Harry feels his heart ache and he wants to cry. He was the happiest guy alive only half an hour ago and now he just wants to cry and drown in his tears. Louis had said 'I love you' and he clearly regretted it, probably not even meant it. That hurts.

Lottie gives Harry a suspicious look but the curly lad ignores her. She knows there is something up but Harry is really not going to share this.

"Is it okay if I excuse myself? I'm not really hungry and my foot hurts a lot. I want to go rest for a bit."

Jay looks worriedly at the boy.

"Yeah of course, no problem. Harry you know that you can talk to me, right? If there is something up I'm all ear."

Harry gives a weak smile to the woman.

"Thank you, Jay. I just need time for myself now." He takes his crutches and tries to climb the stairs. When he is in his room he just breaks down, sobs leaving his mouth. He tries his best to not make them audible. He grabs his phone and calls his best friend.

"Harry, hey! Oh... what's going on Haz? Don't cry." Niall's enthusiastic face goes quickly to worried when he sees the wet cheeks of his best friend.

"I don't know it anymore, Niall. I try to be there for him and support him. I'm not pushing him or anything but it gets so hard. It gets so bloody hard. I know he doesn't mean to but he is fucking playing with my heart, Niall." Harry can't control his crying anymore.

"Hey, what happened? Is this about that guy you are living with?"

"Louis." Harry immediately says. "His name is Louis and yeah..."

"What did he do to make you cry like this, Haz?"

Harry bites his lip.

"I know he has a hard time accepting himself and I promised him I would be there for him Niall and I am there for him. I'd do anything for him and then he asked me out and took me on this amazing date, including all the things I love, he took care of me when I fell and hurt my ankle. Then he randomly disappears, his friends and I look for him for over an hour, to find him at the park where he usually never comes. Then we are in the car together, I'm cuddling him because he was freezing and then he said... He said he loved me Niall. He said he loved me, I said it back and right then he started to ignore me. He doesn't say a word. It's like he regrets saying it and it hurts so much Ni, because I really don't regret it. I mean it. God, Niall you warned me for this. I love this boy so much and it hurts. I don't know what to do."

Niall's own heart breaks when he sees his best friend like this.

"Harry, I understand that you want to be supportive and stuff but sometimes you have to be selfish as well. You can't let him mess with your heart, Haz. His heart isn't worth more than yours. If I were you I'd talk to him and you should confront him. He can't keep leading you on, Harry. I know you want to be a good person and don't want to push him, but this is getting out of hand. I think you should push him, give him the choice. Or you decide to stay friends but then also act like friends or you go all in. The thing that you have now isn't healthy for you, Haz."

And Harry really understands Niall, and if they were talking about another boy Harry would agree but this is Louis. He can't blame Niall for thinking that way. He doesn't know what the boy has been through and Harry also can't tell him.

"I can't, Niall. I can't pressure Louis. I can't tell you why, but believe me please when I say that I can't pressure him."

"Okay, I believe you. But I'm so sorry I say this Harry but I don't know Louis and I don't care about Louis. I know you and I care about you and the way you are now... Harry I'm really worried."

"Yeah, I'm tired Niall."

"You always do this when I don't say the things you like to hear, Harry."

"No, I'm really tired. I'll call you maybe tomorrow."

"Harry it's barely 9 over there."

"Doesn't mean I can't be tired. Talk to you soon." Without saying another word he finishes the call. Harry turns his phone off, knowing that Niall will keep texting and calling him because of the way their call ended.

Harry takes off his clothes, takes his painkiller and puts some cream on his foot. Usually Louis does that but Harry knows that the boy won't do that today. Just when Harry is about to put cream on his foot, he hears a knock on his door.

"Come in." Hope is filling his heart.

"Hey, Louis told me that you would need help with your foot, putting the cream on it and adjust your pillow. Should I help?" Lottie gives Harry a weak smile.

"No thank you, Lottie. I'm fine. Don't worry. You can go."

The younger girl nods and slowly closes the door.

"Oh, Harry?" she says before the door is completely shut.


"My mom said that it's Louis' first time in love and that he will need time. I thought maybe I should tell you that as well, so you know. My brother really is in love with you, Harry. I have never seen him look at Eleanor like that and they never acted he way you guys do. Oh and Louis definitely never took care about her like that. I remember Eleanor broke her foot once and Zayn and Louis only painted dicks on her cask. It was quite funny though. Anyway, I might have overheard a part of your conversation with your friend. Don't give up on my bro okay?"

Harry nods.


Lottie enters the room again, sticking out her pinkie.

"Pinkie promise?"

Harry smiles, quickly removing his tears before he hooks his pinkie into Lottie's.

"Pinkie promise." 

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