Chapter 11

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"You already have two weeks that you are grounded! What other punishment can I give you, Louis?" Jay is looking at her son, hands tangled in her hair.

"It was just an accident, mom! Mister Smith is blowing this up. I would never hit someone on purpose." Louis is lying through his teeth, but he can' have another punishment. If his mother knows he did do it on purpose, he is grounded till his thirtieth birthday.

Jay turns her head, looking at Harry who is silently doing his homework.

"Harry, you were there. Do you think it was an accident?"

Harry looks up, heart beating fast. He looks for a second at Louis, who is watching him with pleading eyes, basically begging for Harry to lie to his mother. But Harry has already lied and covered enough for Louis. He brought this on himself.

"It wasn't an accident. He basically admitted it wasn't." Harry says facing his homework again. He wasn't going to let Louis pull him again in a web of lies.

"What?" Louis' voice is high pitched and he literally wants to cry. His mother is giving him a look that's a mix of disappointment and anger, Harry isn't even looking at him at all. Louis thought Harry would have his back, apparently he doesn't.

"I can't believe you lied again. Louis, what is going on with you? This is not how you are. This is not how I raised you." Jay is crying. It hurts so much to see her son like this. She had to raise him all by herself and she always thought she did a pretty good job, teaching him about morals and how to treat people. She always made it pretty clear that homophobia and violence is not welcome in the house. How did her son turn out like this? Her little boobear?

"Can I go to my room? I have homework to do."

"Yes, but give me your phone."

Louis looks at his mother, eyes big.


"From now on you can only use your phone at school. When you are at home, you give it to me. That's till you are not grounded anymore." Jay's voice is stern. She hates it to punish her children, but Louis has gone too far.

"What? Mom, no you can't do that! How will I be able to text El? Or Zayn?"

"You don't need to talk to them when you are at home. You see them at school. Here you can talk to me, your sister and Harry."

Louis' eyes fall on the curly lad doing homework in front of him.

"I'd rather not say a word to anyone till I'm ungrounded than talk to that piece of American shit." Louis spits. He stands up, throwing the chair on the floor, runs upstairs and locks the door of his room.

He drops himself on his bed, letting the tears escape. Everything is so difficult. Harry frustrates him so much. Just when Louis was about to trust the boy, Harry betrays him 3 times by choosing Stephanie before him. First he goes to class with her, than picks her team and finally he snitches, taking Stephanie's side on the incident. Louis hates Harry. He makes him feel weird emotions, unknown emotions and it pisses him off. He doesn't want to see or hear the boy. He doesn't want to be around him. Louis hasn't had detention before and he never has been in trouble. Harry brings out the worst in him.

Harry is looking shocked. Louis just disappeared after he called him a piece of shit. Although Harry is angry with the boy himself, those words did hurt.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Jay is sobbing loud, resting her face in her hands. "I don't know what's going on with Louis. I really don't know. I promise you that he is not like this. He is a good person. I don't know what's wrong. The last time he was like this was 3 years ago. I don't know what is causing this behaviour, Harry but I'm so sorry you have to witness it. I'm such a bad mother."

Harry walks over to the woman, hugging her.

"You are doing an amazing job raising your children. I believe you when you say Louis isn't like this, I also want to believe you. We had a lot of fun yesterday."

Jay nods, smiling when she thinks about her son being happy yesterday. That's something she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Yeah, you had. I don't know what to do anymore, Harry. Can you please go talk to him?"

Harry's heart stops beating. Him? Talking to Louis? Harry is so angry at the boy himself after he hurt his friend, but when he looks at the woman next to him he can't say no. She looks really desperate.

"Fine, I'll go." Harry gives the woman a weak smile and walks upstairs, knocking on the door that has a big, blue 'L' on it.

"Leave me alone!" Louis snaps.

"Louis, it's me. Can we talk?" Harry tries to sound as nice as possible, hoping Louis would open the door.

"Go talk to Stephanie."

That surprises Harry. Go talk to Stephanie? Is that the thing that bothered Louis?

"Louis, please!" Harry continues.

He hears some shuffling at the other side of the door and only a few seconds later Louis opens the door.

"Louis, are you okay?" The anger Harry had towards the boy gets replaced by worry. He clearly cried, having dried tears on his cheeks and red eyes that are swollen.

"Marvellous, thank you. Did you come to just ask me that?"

Louis has an annoyed look and it makes Harry really uncomfortable.

"I just wanted to know, why did you hit Stephanie?"

"No reason. I hate her, just like I hate you from now on. I though we were doing alright and were getting closer. But here you are picking my ex all day over me. But you will regret this, Styles. You are on my wrong side." Louis smashes the door closed which makes Harry's jaw drop. Regret this? Wrong side? What the fuck is Louis planning.

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