Chapter 16

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It's eleven o'clock when Harry wakes up the next morning. He quickly takes a shower. He feels disgusting, having slept in his sticky boxers.

He thinks back about last night while washing his hair with strawberry shampoo. Louis' lips on his, the grinding, it wasn't even real sex yet it was so intense that it was definitely the most erotic thing that Harry has done in his life. He really hopes that Louis doesn't remember. He is really scared about the reaction of the other boy. Louis did agree, but still, Harry was stupid to agree, although he really liked it.

"Good morning, love. Have you slept well?" Jay asks when Harry arrives downstairs.

"I did, thank you. Where is Lottie?" Harry asks, not seeing the blond girl on her usual spot in front of the tv.

"She's staying with her friend for the weekend. Should I make you some toast?" the mother asks kindly.

"That would be lovely. You even know how to turn toast into a five star dish."

Jay chuckles, putting the bread into the machine.

"You are a charmer, Harry."

"Morning." Both Harry and Jay turn around when they hear a raspy morning voice. Louis' hair is still wet, so he showered as well and is only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants.

"Wearing a shirt never killed someone, son."

"Not complaining about shirts never killed someone either, mother." Louis jokes back. "Does someone want tea?" Louis walks straight to the kettle. He needs his tea in the morning or his day is already fucked.

"I'm good. I still have coffee." Jay answers, putting her mug up to show her point.

"Do you want tea, Harry?" Louis looks at the green eyed boy and Harry just blushes. He can't help but think about last night again. He has this weird feeling in his stomach. It's so stupid but Louis had never asked him before if he wanted tea. Harry feels like an idiot that something so small makes his entire day.

"That would be lovely." Louis gives Harry a small smile and pours the boy a cup, putting it on the table in front of him. "Here you go."


Jay looks at the two boys with a big smile. It's not a lot of interaction but it's the most that she has seen so far from them and it warms her heart.

Louis is standing on his tippy toes, trying to reach for the highest shelf. That's wear the breakfast bowls are placed, when Jay asks a question.

"What are your plans for this lovely Saturday, boys?"

"Actually, I have a date." Harry smiles.

Both Johanna and Harry turn around when they hear a loud noise.

"Fuck." Louis curses after he dropped the bowl, pieces all shattered on the floor and his foot bleeding.

"Oh, Louis! Harry, can you please get the first aid kit? It's in the bathroom." Jay quickly takes a brush while Harry is looking for the kit, cleaning up the pieces. When Harry is back she takes the box.

"Harry, could you please finish the cleaning?" the woman asks while putting disinfectant on a cotton wool.

"Sure." Harry takes the brush and starts cleaning, looking worried at Louis. His foot is bleeding hard.

"Auw!" Louis screams out in pain when the disinfectant makes contact with the cut in his foot.

"I know it hurts, baby. But we don't want that wound to infect."

"Sorry I broke the bowl, mom." Louis apologises.

"It's just a bowl. Don't worry about it." Johanna finishes everything, putting a bondage around his foot.

Louis wants to stand up but the pain in his foot stops him, making him cry out loud again.

"Wait, I'll help you!" Harry rushes over to Louis, wanting to pull the boy up.

Louis flinches and shakes his head.

"I don't need your help."


Louis and Harry are sitting on the couch, watching Temptation Island, some reality tv show. Harry doesn't really get it but Louis enjoys the drama of the couples that are split up and surrounded by temptation.

It takes all the courage for Harry to start talking to the boy next to him. Because they haven't talked about what happened yesterday night and Harry really thinks they should.

"Louis?" Harry's voice is barely a whisper.


"About last night... I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"You know, for what happened in my room."

"I don't' remember anything happening in your room." Louis' eyes don't leave the screen as he says those words. And as much as Harry wanted Louis to not remember what happened, when he actually hears him say those words, it hurts. Harry really liked and enjoyed what happened, but maybe it's for the better. He rather has Louis not remembering a single thing than him screaming at Harry.

"I must have been confused. Yeah you are right, nothing happened." Harry lies smoothly. He doesn't want to make things even more complicated. Louis was being kind of nice to him, making him tea. He doesn't want to ruin the small thing they have now.

When the commercial starts, Louis takes his phone out of his pocket and texts Eleanor. The girl has been ignoring him since the party. It's not that Louis really misses her, but he is just annoyed that someone ignores him.

"So you go on a date then." Louis restarts the conversation, putting his phone back in his pocket. As much as he wants to ignore Harry and push him away, he enjoys the attention of the American lad and he is tired of the fighting.

A smile creeps on Harry's and nods enthusiastically, face turning all red.

"Yeah, Josh is picking me up in a few minutes."

"Josh? Josh as in English class Josh?" Louis raises his eyebrow.

"Yupp." Harry says, popping the P

"I didn't know he liked boys. Anyway, good for you, what are you guys doing?"

"We're going to see a movie. I don't know which one though."

"Are you excited?" Louis makes eye contact for the first time with the curly lad, making his own heart beat faster.

"I am, yeah. I haven't been on a date for a while." Just as Harry's words leave his mouth, he hears the doorbell.

"That must be Josh. I'll see you tonight. Text me if there is anything yeah? Should I bring home more painkillers for your foot? Or some cream?"

"That's sweet, Harry but just enjoy your date, yeah? I'll see you tonight."

"Thanks. Take care, Lou."

Lou, Louis really likes the sound of that nickname rolling out of Harry's mouth.

"Oh, and Harry?"

Harry turns around one more time before opening the door, giving Louis a questioning look.

"No kissing on the first date and be home at 10, yeah." Louis jokes, making Harry giggle. Harry's giggle should be his fucking ringtone, it's amazing.

"Ai, ai dad."

Louis smiles fondly at the boy, seeing him smile makes Louis smile as well. 

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