Chapter 20

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The next morning Harry wakes up with a smile on his face. Yesterday evening was really nice. They watched The Lion King and right after Louis, Lottie and Harry watched 'The prince of Egypt' while Jay was cooking dinner. They ate together, played another round of Uno and after that Louis and Harry just talked in Harry's room until it was time to go to bed.

Harry looks in his closet and notices his favourite shirt. It's a red one with white flowers and it's really loose, showing a bit of his chest. He decides to take the risk and wears it. He really misses wearing his shirts. The plain ones aren't really Harry's thing. And for some reason Louis' drunk voice is in Harry's head, telling him to wear them again. And Harry knows that Louis was drunk and he probably didn't mean it, but it gave him the confidence again to wear what he wants.


Louis' foot is a bit better. He reassures his mother that he is able to drive to school. When Louis finishes his cup of tea, he turns to Harry.

"You are driving with me again?" Louis bites his lip, still a bit nervous that the curly lad realises that he doesn't want to be friends with Louis.

"Can I?" Also Harry is a bit nervous. Everything went fine during the weekend but he is scared that when back at school everything will change again.

Louis smiles and nods.

"Of course you can, Hazza. It's our car-a-oke timeeeee!" Louis immediately gets enthusiastic when he thinks about it. It was already a blast when they weren't so fine, this time it will be a party on wheels!

And it indeed is a party. Louis opened the roof of his car, even if it's November and freezing cold. The music is loud and both boys are not even singing anymore, it's more like screaming, Living on a prayer. A lot of faces turn towards the car when Louis parks it in front of school.

Louis and Harry walk side to side when they enter. Louis looks around and immediately sees Zayn and Perrie, but there is no sight yet of Liam and Stephanie.

"Haz, you can come with me until you see them." Louis suggests, not wanting to leave the boy alone.

"It's fine, I just texted Steph and she is on her way. Thanks though, Lou. See you at French?"

Louis smiles and nods.

"See you at French."

He waves at Harry and walks towards his friends, but remembers one more thing. He turns around again.


"Yes Lou?"

"I'm happy you are wearing your shirts again. You look good in them."

Harry blushes and looks down at his books, mumbling a soft thank you and making Louis smirk.


"You walk funny. Did you and Harry fuck? Never took you as a bottom, Louis." Zayn jokes, making Perrie laugh as well.

"Ugh, shut it guys. No, I cut my foot. I dropped a bowl and it broke, one of the pieces trying to cut off my foot." Louis explains as he is taking some books from his locker.

"Cut off your foot? Being dramatic much aren't we?" Perrie rolls her eyes.

"Shut it, Edwards. It is a serious injury. It was really crazy." Louis overreacts.

"Talking about crazy, did I really see you and Harry walk in together and talk?" Zayn leans against his locker and faces his best friends.

"Yup, you saw that correctly. I decided that I'm done being a jerk. We made up and we really had fun together this weekend. Oh by the way, did you know that Josh from English class has a thing for guys? He tried to fuck Harry." Louis gossips. He really likes gossiping. Honestly, he is a teenage girl, even worse than his little sister.

"I'm not shocked. He is checking Zayn out all the time during gym." Perrie says without looking away from her phone.

"What?" Zayn makes a disgusted face, making Louis laugh.

Louis quickly looks behind him, checking if Harry is still alone. If he was than he would drag the boy to his group, but he sees him talking to Liam. Harry is making big gestures with his arms as he is explaining something. Louis thinks he is telling the story about his foot, seeing Harry pointing at his own. It makes the smaller boy smile and he turns back to his friends.

"Where is Eleanor by the way?" Zayn asks Louis.

"Isn't she off first period?" Louis doesn't sound impressed. He is still kind of pissed with the girl because she was pissed at him for really no reason.

"Isn't that only on Wednesdays?"

"I don't know, Zayn. It's not like I know her schedule by heart." Louis rolls his eyes.

"She is not coming to school." Perrie says.


"Can't tell you, you'll hear. Let's go to class, guys."

Louis doesn't really react and follows his friends to class. It's not like he really cares either. He can go an extra day without the brunette being on his back.


"I just can't believe you guys are friends now." Stephanie sighs during lunch.

"You've been saying that the whole morning. Just leave it. I'm glad that they are friends. Good that you talked it out, made." Liam pets Harry's shoulder.

"Thanks, Li. I'm sorry, Steph but I am going to tell you the exact same thing as I told him. I want to be friends with both of you, doesn't mean you have to like each other. Just don't talk shit about Louis to me, please. It really makes me feel bad. I know the two of you have your differences but we are really getting along and I enjoy it."

"I just don't understand why you forgive him so easily." The red head moans before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"They live in the same house. It's a lot easier when you actually get along. I think they both did good." Liam defends Harry.

Just as Harry is about to say something, a group of guys come to their table, including Josh. Actually, Josh is the one that starts talking.

"Did you rob your grandmother again, Styles?" Harry feels himself getting small and he looks down at his tray of food. Maybe he shouldn't have picked the shirt.

Stephanie is about to say something but gets interrupted by another voice.

"Is that how you react when people reject you, little Josh?" Harry looks up, seeing Louis, Zayn and Perrie. Louis has his arms crossed and gives a degrading look at Josh.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Josh's eyes are getting big.

"Sure you don't. If I remember well you asked my good friend Harry here out on a date with the goal of getting laid. Luckily Harry escaped your little scum dick. Now, stop being a baby and leave him the fuck alone. That counts for everybody." Louis has the most intimidating look that Harry has ever seen and immediately Josh and his friends leave and the people that were surrounded around their table are sitting down again.

"Are you okay, Haz?" Louis asks, worry all written over his face.

Harry smiles and gives Louis a look full of adoration.

"Thanks, Lou. I really appreciate that you are standing up for me."

"Couldn't stand for two days." Louis jokes, pointing at his foot and Harry giggles.

Liam, Stephanie, Perrie and Zayn look weird at the two boys. They don't understand what's going on but the only thing they are sure off is that there is something, looking at the two boys that only have eyes for each other. 

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