Chapter 37

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"What are you doing here, Harry?" Louis tries to sound as confident as possible.

"I'm here to see you, Lou. I've been so worried since you left. I tried to call you and I went over to Zayn and Perrie. I'm so happy I can finally see you. Being away from you has been killing me."

"Why" is Louis' short answer.

"I missed you. Lou you are my best friend and..."

"Keep that bullshit to yourself, Harry." Louis snaps, fighting his tears. He needs to hide behind his shield. He can't let himself open up to Harry, not again.

"Louis, let's have a talk." James says. "Harry, please sit down. We will be back in a bit." James puts his hand on Louis' back and guides the boy to the kitchen.

"I know he has hurt you, Lou. But I don't think it was his intention. He clearly cares a lot about you." James says, looking at his nephew who is facing the ground.

"He hurt me so bad. I don't want to feel it again, uncle. It was like a knife through my heart." Louis admits. His heart is still aching.

"I know it does, boy and you can tell him that. You can make it clear that he hurt you badly, but Louis he is here now. I saw your phone, having 876 missed calls from him from the past week. He is not faking his care, boy. I believe he actually does care about you. Don't forget you have put him through hell as well, and here he is, in my living room, desperate to see you. I don't tell you to forgive him immediately, but at least give him a chance to talk to you. It will make you feel better as well, nephew. As much as you try to hide it, I see the way you have been looking at him during English class. It's okay to let him in, Louis. I know he hurt you, you hurt him as well, it's human. Harry couldn't know about Tristan. I'm not saying that you did something bad. It's a really good thing that you pushed him away, but see it out of Harry's point of view." Louis nods understandingly.

"I know, uncle. That thought has crossed my mind as well... It's just that I think I would believe him blindly if the roles were reversed. I would have followed him home."

"Hear him out, Lou. If you don't like what he says, kick him out. I'll leave the two of you alone. Do you want something from the supermarket?"

Louis shakes his head.

"Fine, anyway if something happens call me okay?"

Louis nods and hugs his uncle.

"Thank you for being the best uncle in the world."

"What can I say, I'm born this way." He jokes, making Louis giggle as well. "Now go to your boy, Lou." Louis nods, leaving the kitchen. He looks at the curly lad from a little distance. His curly hair is hidden under a big black hat, he is wearing a dark green button up with flowers and black skinny jeans. He looks flawless, like he always does.

"You want to talk..." Louis carefully takes place next to Harry. His voice is barely a whisper.

"I'm sorry that I let you go home alone, Lou. It was really wrong of me and I didn't know it would hurt you that much. I swear if I knew it would end up like this I would have come without a doubt."

"It hurt me a lot, Hazza. You promised to stay by my side, yet you decided that cleaning up Stephanie's mess was more important."

"I just did it to help you, Lou. Tristan could have gone to the police. I don't want you to be in any trouble."

A humourless chuckle leaves Louis' mouth.

"Tristan going to the police? How ironic would that be." Louis tries to hide everything with his sarcasm, but a single tear escapes from the corner of his eye.

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