Chapter 43

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Louis is playing Fifa, but he can't keep his focus. The only thing on his mind is the curly lad and how much he is missing him right now. This isn't even healthy anymore.

"Lou, darling, I am your cheerleader tonight but I can't do miracles." Perrie jokes as she hands Louis a can of coke.

"Yeah, dude. I literally am trying to let you win and it isn't even working." Zayn jokes.

Louis throws the controller next to him and opens the can, taking a big sip.

"Would you guys ever hate me?" Louis asks, not facing his friends.

"Depends." Zayn answers. "Did you murder someone?"

Louis chuckles and shakes his head. "Not without you, Zayn."

"Then we are fine."

"You know I'd never hate you either, Lou. We're best friends since we were in our mother's uterus." Perrie jokes.

"Why you asking, bro?"

Louis sighs.

"How do you feel about gay relationships?" It takes a lot of courage from Louis to ask that question.

"I like pussy dude." Zayn says before taking a drag from his cigarette.

Perrie rolls her eyes and throws a pillow at her boyfriend.

"Your best friend is trying to tell you something you idiot. Keep your sex jokes for yourself."

"Hey! I'm just saying that I like pussy!"

"Louis please ignore that idiot. And how do I feel about gay relationships? I don't see anything wrong with them. Love is love, right? If two people treat each other right, are in a healthy relationship, support each other and love each other I don't see why gender would matter."

"I agree with Perrie, bro. It's just hard for me to express myself. But I 100% agree. If you are in love with Harry I don't see anything wrong with it. You two have been really good and supportive towards each other lately and even I can see the way you look at each other. No need to be scared, Lou. We are fine with whoever you choose to spend your life with. If you are happy, we are. As long as I don't have to suck dick..."

Zayn gets interrupted by another pillow being thrown.

"You started so well. How do you even end up by talking about sucking dick? Ugh I can't believe I'm dating an idiot." Perrie scolds but smirks at the same time.

"What Zayn tries to say sweetie is that, if you feel comfortable around Harry and have feelings towards him that is more than friendship, you should go for it if you think it's mutual. I honestly think it really is. We love and support you no matter what."

"Yeah, we do Louis. I don't know a lot about the LGBTQ+ community but you are my best friend and if you feel that way about Harry we won't stop you and I'll even do some research."

"I asked him out on a date." Louis admits shyly, cheeks turning a bright pink.

"Oh, Louis that's amazing! You must really like him then. I can't remember you and El ever going on a date."

"I'm all figuring it out still but yeah, I think I do really like him. We are going slow though and he also said we are doing this on my tempo. He won't rush me or anything and he never puts me in a position where I feel uncomfortable. Harry is really good for me guys and I think I'm really close to accepting myself as... I don't know. I don't want to label myself. But knowing that you guys accept me, has put me a step closer to accept myself as well." Louis' eyes are teary and he feels Perrie's arms around him.

"You should accept yourself, Louis and I'm so proud of you that you are sharing this with us. It's a big step."

"Yeah, bro. LGBTQ+ forever!" Zayn cheers.

Perrie sighs.

"He still needs to learn, but he tries to show his support." She chuckles.

"Come here, bro." Zayn pulls Louis in a hug as well. "I don't care who you fuck, as long as it isn't me."

Perrie takes the last pillow that she can find on the couch and throws it again at Zayn. Louis smiles, genuinely smiles. He is so lucky to have friends like this.


"Are you sure you want to do this, Harry?" James asks when they are in front of Tristan's house. Harry nods. "I need him gone. I need to protect Louis. Just, please let me do the talking okay? I have a plan."

James nods before he rings the bell.

"Good afterno... Mister Corden? What are you doing here?" In front of the door is standing a middle aged woman. She is wearing a floral skirt and a light blue blouse that matches the flowers. Her hair is in a high bun.

"Hello, miss. Can we come in please? It's easier to talk. We really have to." The woman only nods, opening the door so the two men can walk in.

"Could you call over Tristan?" Harry immediately says, not wanting to spend more time then needed in the house.

"Sure, give me a minute."

It doesn't take long for the woman to come back, followed by her son. Tristan's eyes go wide when he sees Harry on the couch.

"That's him, mom. He is the one that beat me up."

Harry isn't impressed and just rolls his eyes.

"You have nerve showing up to my house when you did that to my son. I should call the police!" The mother says, giving Harry an angry look.

"Yeah please do call the police. I have something to tell them too, you know, about paedophilia and sexual abuse? Does that ring a bell?

The mother gasps and takes place next to her son on the couch.

"Who are you?"

"Doesn't really matter. What matters is that I want you out of town, all of you. I can't have Louis being confronted with his past every single day. It's been bad enough that he shares classes with the sister of the person who has done that to him, now he also is back in town. I'm quite sure there was a deal that Tristan couldn't come into town anymore."

"There is nothing you can do now. It has been three years. It's time for my baby boy to be at home. There is no proof. It will be word against word when you are going to press charges."

"So you are really defending your son?" Harry snaps. "You are really defending someone who was 19 years old, an adult, that abused a 15-year old? His sisters boyfriend? Your daughters boyfriend? You are all okay with this?"

"He shouldn't have done that but everybody makes mistakes. ¨Please don't make him leave town again. You literally have nothing now to hold against him."

"He did abuse Louis sexually 3 years ago."

"Yeah he did but..."

"No more proof needed."

Harry takes his phone out of his pocket and stops the recording. James looks shocked as well. He didn't know about that.

"Louis isn't a child anymore. He is 18 now and strong enough to go to the police. I suggest your whole family moves to a place you know Louis will never be. Otherwise prepare yourself for court. Paedophilia is a long time in prison."

"But Stephanie... She loves it here. It's her senior year. Can't we leave after that?" the mother is crying now, but Harry doesn't feel any mercy. She is defending her son that is a monster.

"I want you out before the end of the weekend or we go to the police." Harry stands up, James following him.

"Happy house shopping. I heard China is nice."

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