Chapter 27

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The tension between Harry and Louis is unbearable, and Jay notices when they are sitting at the dining table. Normally when there was something going on between the boys, Lottie would take the attention away by gossiping about girls from her class that she doesn't like, but the younger girl went home with a friend, finishing a project, so it couldn't be more obvious to Jay that there is something going on.

"How was your day, boys?" Jay breaks the silence.

Louis feels Harry's green eyes burning on him but he doesn't look away from his plate filled with pasta.

"It was alright." Harry answers, not wanting to worry the woman.

Jay doesn't buy it at all, but decides to not dig into it any deeper.

"I read your exchange contract." She keeps talking. If Jay doesn't talk, it's dead silent around the table. "There is written that you have to do 3 cultural trips together to gain the credits of your program."

Louis doesn't react, he just plays with his spaghetti. Harry ignores what Jay says, asking for the grated cheese.

"So I was thinking that we could go to London this weekend, I asked the time off at work and they agreed. Harry has already been here for over a month and I don't think that the Doncaster mall counts as a cultural trip. I booked a nice hotel in the centre of London. It can be a nice trip for us and it's one trip down for you guys to do."

"London? That really sounds amazing, Jay. I hope it will be my university town." Harry is excited. London is the city of his dreams and he hopes to see the street artists, nice little shops, the Big Ben and take a ride on the London Eye. Going to London is his dream coming true, yet it's bittersweet. He really wants to go to London, but he isn't sure he will enjoy it if Louis is still ignoring him.

"Can I sleep over at Zayn's tonight?" Louis asks, totally ignoring the London thing.

"It's a school night, Louis. No you are not sleeping over. You can pay him a visit, but you'll be back at 8."

Louis nods, accepting his mother's offer.

"I'll go now then."

"But you haven't finished your plate, sweetheart. It's spaghetti. You love spaghetti." Jay gives her son a worried look.

"I am not that hungry, had a big lunch. Thanks for the food, mom. It was really nice." Louis puts his plate on the counter and grabs his jacket, leaving the house without saying another word.

"Do you know what's wrong with Louis?" Jay asks Harry when she hears the front door shut.

Harry just shakes his head. He doesn't want to talk to Jay about this.

"Can I leave the table as well? I need to study for my biology test."

Jay sighs but nods, grabbing Harry's plate and starts doing the dishes. There is clearly something up between the two of them, Jay just wishes that one of them would open up.


"Just give me a beer, Zayn." Louis sighs when Zayn has denied Louis for the fifth time.

"You know I don't give you alcohol when you are upset." The darkhaired guy answers his friend.

"I'm not upset." Louis snaps.

"You are." Perrie joins the conversation.

Louis just rolls his eyes and takes a sip of the glass of water that Zayn brought him earlier.

"Are you going to tell us what changed your mood? Perrie tries to make eye contact with her best friend, but doesn't succeed in making contact with the blue pair.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Louis, if you came here to be grumpy you can leave again. Or you grow some pair and act normal or you tell us what's going on. You always keep everything to yourself. Can you just tell us for one time what's going on." Zayn gets a bit annoyed with the boy in front of him. First Louis acted out of character when he started to bully Harry, now he finally realised that his behaviour was wrong, and now he is just being grumpy for no reason.

Louis' eyes start to water and he is visibly shrinking.

"Zayn!" Perrie hisses. She knows that Zayn cares deeply about his friend, but he isn't the best with handling emotions and these kind of situations. "Why don't you go to the supermarket and buy us some crisps?"

Zayn gives his girlfriend a confused look.

"But I have crisps in the cupboard."

"Other crisps." Perrie gives her boyfriend a dead glare and Zayn gets the point.

"Sure, do you want anything special Lou?"

Louis shakes his head, thanking his friend softly.

"You want something else, babe?" He looks at his girlfriend.

"I want those cherry sweets from Haribo please." She tells her boyfriend. Louis gives her a sweet smile, those are Louis' favourite sweets and Perrie barely eats them. It's a nice gesture of his friend.

"Okay, I'll be back in half an hour. If you do need something else, text me!" Zayn leaves the house, Perrie and Louis being on their own now.

Perrie looks at her friend, starting to talk after two minutes of silence.

"I'm worried about you, Louis."

"You don't have to be. I'm fine." The crack in Louis' voice is revealing his lie.

"You know that you can tell me anything right? I have known you since birth. There is nothing you can tell me that will make me look differently at you, Lou."

There is a lump in his throat that Louis is trying to fight. He will not cry.

"If I say I'm fine, Perrie then I am fine."

"Does it have something to do with Harry?" Perrie knows that he is pushing the boy, but she knows him already all her life, she knows how to handle him and how to talk to him to make him open up.

"Why would you say that." Louis bites his lip, trying to numb the pain he feels in his heart. Harry betrayed him. Louis trusted the boy with his biggest secret, and today he found out that Louis talks about him to fucking Stephanie.

"You've barely hung out with Zayn and I after school since you are close to him. You've even hung out at school today, not that we mind, you can hang out with someone else as well. We are not glued. It's just strange that suddenly when you want to hang out again, you have a bad mood. I just assume that it is about Harry because for the moment you mainly talk to him."

Louis breaths deeply in and out.

"We are fighting." He finally admits, making Perrie smile a bit. Not because he is fighting with the curly boy, but because he is opening up.

"Can I ask you what you are fighting about?" Perrie puts a hand on Louis' shoulder.

"I really don't want to talk about it, Pez. Let's just say that he broke my trust."

"Oh, Lou come here." Perrie takes her best friend in her arms, giving him a big cuddle. She knows how important trust is to Louis, and he barely trusts someone. It hurts to see that when he finally does trust someone, they break it.

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