Chapter 5

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The ride to school was quiet and really uneasy. Louis nor Harry started a conversation. The only thing you could hear was the radio. After a ten minute drive the boys arrive.

Louis walks towards a group of three. Harry recognises them as the three people from the picture. Louis hugs the brunette and pecks her on the lips, kisses the blond girl on the cheek and shares a bro hug with the black haired boy.

Harry is just standing there, feeling left out. He has no clue where to go or what to do.

"Hi, you must be Harry, the exchange student! I'm Perrie" The blond smiles.

"Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you, Perrie." At least Louis' friend isn't a dick like he is.

Eleanor just rolls her eyes and Zayn gives the boy a small smile but not saying anything. Okay, so only Perrie is actually nice.

"What are you still doing here, Curly? Don't you have to pick up your schedule?" Louis snaps.

"Yeah but I was hoping that maybe you could tell me where I can find it?" Harry gives the smaller boy a hopeful look.

"At reception."

"Where is reception?"

Louis sighs. "Can't you read? Look, there is a map of the school. Don't you guys learn how to read a map in the United States? Ugh I don't have time for this. Let's go." Louis pulls his arm around Eleanor's waist and walks away from Harry. Zayn just follows his friend and Perrie gives him a pitiful look but still follows her friends. Harry sighs. This will be a nightmare.

"I'll walk you to reception." Harry turns around and faces a boy and a girl. It was the girl that spoke to him.

"I'm Stephanie." she introduces herself.

"I'm Liam." The boy follows the example of his friend.

"Harry, Harry Styles. Thank you so much! I had no clue where to start searching. This school is huge, isn't it?"

Liam nods. "It is quite big, mate. I was in your shoes last year. So did you move here or something? Because that's not a British accent."

Harry shakes his head.

"Nope, I'm doing an exchange program. I'll be here for three months."

"Oh that's so cool!" Stephanie exclaims. "So who is your exchanging partner then? Where are you staying?"

"With Louis, Louis Tomlinson."

The girl starts to make gag sounds, putting her finger in her mouth and sticking her tongue out.

"Come on, Step. He's not that bad..." Liam tries to reason with his friend.

"He is that bad. I'm so sorry you are living with that dick, Harry." The redhead says.

"Why? Did he do something to you?" Harry is really curious now. Why would the girl hate Louis that much? I mean yes he is mean to Harry but when he looks around he sees that many people greet Louis and he greets them all back with a smile. Why the hell would he have a problem with her? Maybe she is gay as well...

"They used to date." Liam explains. "Bad break-up."

"Bad break-up? He replaced me with that stupid brunette doll, that's what he did. He broke up with me over text, only to show up with Eleanor on his side the next day. He's a fucking dick."

Harry can understand why Louis was dating the girl. Stephanie has coloured red hair, pale skin, blue eyes and she is petite. She is really pretty. If Harry would date girls, he'd definitely date her.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, that is indeed a shitty way to be broken up with." Harry says, telling the girl she is right.

The three of them talk for a bit until they reach reception. Harry walks towards the desk.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles. I'm the exchange student. I'm here to pick up my schedule." Harry gives the woman a friendly smile.

"Styles... Oh yeah here you go! Enjoy your stay at Doncaster High. If you have any questions, please come see me." The woman shows her perfectly white teeth, obviously a fake smile and only doing her job, but Harry appreciates it. He would kill someone to get a smile like that from Louis.

"Show me your schedule!" Stephanie immediately grabs the piece of paper out of Harry's hands.

"We've got history and French together. Oh and lunch of course." Stephanie smiles, looking at the sheet. "Bad news though, Louis is in French class with us as well. Whole senior year shares the lunch period."

"That's okay. I mean I'm living with the boy. I should talk to him at school maybe as well you know."

"Why doesn't he talk to you? I mean I know why he doesn't talk to Steph but why doesn't he talk to you?" Liam asks, curiosity having the upper hand.

"I'm gay. He is homophobic I guess." Harry confesses. He hopes Liam and Stephanie don't make a big deal out of it, and if they do well then Harry will look for new friends. He is who he is and he is not planning to change that or to hide that. He is proud of himself.

"That's a stupid reason. Don't worry, love is love right Liam?" Stephanie smiles at the other boy.

"Of course. I don't mind. You're cool man. Want to join us for lunch later?"

"Yeah, sure that's nice. Thank you so much for being so open. If I may ask, why don't you talk to Louis, Liam?"

"Louis doesn't have a problem with me. He just doesn't talk to me because I hang out with Steph. He says occasionally hi though. I don't have a problem with the lad, that's only Steph here."

Stephanie rolls her eyes. "Whatever, Liam. Anyway, which class do you have first?"

Harry looks at his schedule. "English class from mister Corden."

"That's near my class. I will walk you." Liam offers, giving Harry a smile.

"That would be awesome. Thank you so much."

"Alright guys, I have science. That's the other way. I'll see you at lunch, yeah?" Stephanie waves at the two boys and they wave back, saying bye as well.

"So Harry, are you happy to be here in the UK?" Liam asks.

Harry thinks for a while. Louis hates him and for some reason that really bothers Harry a lot. But he won't let that ruin his stay here. He already made two friends and Jay is just really awesome.

"Yes, I'm happy to be here. Can't wait to see how my time will be here." 


So Louis isn't really planning on speaking to Harry but Harry made two new friends. What do you think?

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