Chapter 14

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Harry feels so unbelievably out of place in this house. It was already during the ride that only Perrie spoke to him and now he is surrounded by a bunch of people that he doesn't really know at a party he really doesn't want to be at.

Louis is sitting on a couch, Eleanor on his lap and they are surrounded by a bunch of people that Harry recognises as the football team and some of their girlfriends. They are playing a game, using their phone. The application is called piccolo and apparently it makes you very drunk.

Louis isn't really into the game. He doesn't drink a lot and that's why he is only watching the others making fools from themselves. Louis enjoys watching people embarrass themselves. It's good entertainment. From time to time he looks at the right, checking if Harry is still standing there. He doesn't want anything to happen with the guy, but Louis is still very angry at him and doesn't want him in his group of friends, not yet.

The curly lad had hurt Louis deeply by never siding with him. And Louis realises he went too far with the revenge thing. He already wanted to stop after a day, but just didn't know how. He started something and it wasn't easy to just stop it; and also Louis wanted to hurt Harry more than Harry hurt him, and Louis felt really hurt.

But when Louis looks at the right for like the tenth time tonight, he doesn't see the bunch of curls sitting on a chair, playing games on his phone. He is gone. Panic rushes over Louis.

"Babe, can you stand up? I need to go to the bathroom."

"But I'm so comfy." Eleanor moans.

"I'm so sorry my bladder is disrupting your comfort." Louis rolls his eyes as he pushes Eleanor a bit away from him. He likes Eleanor but sometimes she is just stupid and says things that don't make sense.

He stands up and walks around, looking for the American boy. There is a lot of drugs and other stuff on these kind of parties and he really doesn't want to find Harry somewhere unconscious or drugged or something. His mother would never forgive Louis and honestly Louis wouldn't even forgive himself if something would happen to him.

The music is loud so screaming for Harry doesn't make sense. Stan's house is fucking huge and Louis is getting frustrated when after 15 minutes he still hasn't found Harry. Eleanor will start wondering where Louis is so the boy decides to just go to the kitchen and bring his girlfriend some punch.

When Louis enters the kitchen his jaw clenches. Harry is pushed against the counter, some boy that Louis recognises as Josh from English class, is whispering something in his ear and it makes Harry look all red and flustered.

And that weird feeling that came up when Harry walked away with Stephanie comes up again. Louis feels like he wants to punch someone, he wants to punch Josh. But he can't start a fight. Louis never used violence before, only towards Stephanie and he honestly regrets it a lot.

Louis scrapes his throat. Both boys look up and Harry's cheeks are even a darker shade of red now.

"If you guys could just do your gay thingie somewhere else, I want to take some drinks for me and my girlfriend and you are blocking my way." Louis gives Josh a dirty look, but the boy isn't fazed.

"And you are cockblocking me. Seems like we both do some blocking."

Louis' head turns automatically towards Harry.

"Were you going to sleep with him?"

Harry's heart is beating rapidly and he feels really uneasy. He didn't expect firstly for Louis to walk in and secondly such a bold question like that.

"I don't know Louis, I..."

"I don't know is not an answer. Were you?" Louis' voice is a lot sterner now and for some reason the smaller boy feels like crying when he thinks about Harry and Josh together in bed.

"I think so." Harry admits. It has been a while that Harry had had some action and Josh really isn't bad looking. Also Harry is a single teenage guy, if he is forced to go to a party he better can have fun, right? If it wasn't for Josh, Harry would still be sitting alone on a chair playing candy crush.

Harry can't describe the look on Louis' face. His eyes are daggers but there is something else in them as well. If Harry wouldn't know better, he'd guess hurt, maybe jealousy?

"Well don't want to interrupt your little fucking session." Louis walks in between the two, takes the bottle of Jägermeister and storms off to the living room. Harry watches as the boy jumps on the table, catching everybody's attention.

"I will down this bottle of Jägermeister!" The feathery haired boy screams. Louis knows it's a bad idea. He has almost zero tolerance when we talk about alcohol, but the boy doesn't care. He wants to forget about the fact that soon Harry will be sharing a bed with another guy. It pisses him off yet gives him so much pain as well.

The people start to cheer, Eleanor saying that Louis has to come down, but she is the only one not encouraging the boy.

People just watch as Louis takes big gulps, the liquor going down his throat like it's water. People applaud when the boy shows the empty bottle, only Eleanor just leaves muttering an 'you idiot'.

"Now that show is over, we should start our own show." Josh seductively whispers into Harry's ear, hands disappearing under Harry's white shirt. And as much Harry was turned on and in the mood before Louis disturbed them, now he just isn't. He can't get the look of Louis' eyes out of his head. He is so confused. Why would Louis look at him like that? Like he cares what Harry does.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Josh." Harry sighs, carefully pushing the handsome away from him, creating distance between the two.

"You sure?"

Harry nods.

"Yeah, honestly I'm not the kind of person that just hooks up. We can get to know each other better if you want? You're in my English class right?" Harry smiles. He really wants to see the boy again when he doesn't have fucking Louis in his head.

"Yeah, we share English. If you want I take you out on a date tomorrow night?"

Harry gives the black haired boy a smile.

"That sounds amazing."

"For now just sit down and chill? Get to know each other?" Josh suggests.

"Yeah, that's cool." Josh takes Harry's hand, not wanting to loose the boy in the crowd and they take place in the corner. Harry looks at his hand in Josh's, not noticing the pair of blue eyes burning on his back.

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