Chapter 30

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"This shit is creepy." Harry says looking around.

"Come on, Haz. It's so staged that it's funny." Louis chuckles as they walk around the dark dungeon, listening to the stories of London's underground.

"If I die it's your mistake." Harry states, looking around. This shit is fucking creepy.

"And how would that be my mistake?"

"You didn't protect me enough."

"Oh, does little Hazza need protection." Louis coos, pinching his cheek.

"You are a jerk."


Harry jumps up high when he feels a hand on his shoulder, grabbing him. Louis clenches his hands on his stomach, laughing so hard that tears are rolling down his eyes.

"Your face, Harry! Omg I can't." He keeps laughing until he feels someone touching his own shoulder.

"AAAAH! HAZZA HELP! PROTECT ME!" Louis jumps into Harry's arms, clenching himself on his shirt. When he sees it's one of the actors, he lets go, cheeks blushing furiously.

"So staged that it's funny, huh." Harry smirks.

"Shut it."

"Oh, does little Loubear needs protection." Harry imitates Louis, pinching his cheek as well.

"Stop it, Harry." Louis gets grumpy and it is so fucking cute.

"Come here, we'll protect each other yeah." Harry grabs Louis' hand and Louis can't help but start blushing again, biting his lip. He wishes he could ignore the butterflies in his stomach, but there are way too many. Harry makes him feel this weird kind of way again.


"Why did you think it was a good idea to go on a fucking boat trip when it's like 2 degrees in the beginning of December." Harry snaps. They can't go inside. It's one of those stupid tourist boats and Harry is freezing. He is used to the LA climate, now he is sitting on a boat, outside, when it's windy and only two degrees in bloody England.

"Because the Thames is cool and I like boat trips. Come on, it's a nice thing to write in your cultural paper." Louis beams.

"Yeah, I'll mention it for sure. If you ever want to freeze to death, go on a boat trip on the Thames in December."

"You are being dramatic, Harry."

"I am not. We don't have this weather back in LA. Wasn't there another boat trip we could do where we could sit inside?"

"Yup, but it was like five pounds more expensive and they didn't have this cool guide." Louis says pointing to the middle aged man in front of the boat who is saying stuff that Harry doesn't understand.

"Okay, first of all. I could have paid ten pounds extra if that meant that my nose wouldn't freeze off. And second of all; our guide is German Louis. I don't know about you but I don't speak fucking German."

"See, you can write that down in your paper. London is a very multi-cultural city. I learned German on my guided boat trip on the Thames."

"I can't deal with you." Harry says, putting his arms around body. He is so cold.

"Come here." Louis opens his arms but Harry gives him a weird look.

"I'm going to keep you warm you idiot, now come on."

Harry is blushing which makes Louis smile. He pulls the boy closer to him, feeling the need to protect him from the cold. He wraps both arms around him, basically pulling the boy on his lap. He takes his scarf and wraps it around Harry for extra heath.

"Lou, you need that scarf yourself." Harry says, wanting to take the red piece of fabric off.

"It's fine, Haz. I'm British. Two degrees in winter means a barbecue." He jokes.

Harry smiles as well and unintentionally he sniffs Louis' smell on the scarf. It's so intoxicating. Yeah, Harry being on his lap and smelling his scarf is definitely not going to help him to get over that crush.


"No way I am going in that thing, Haz. It's so high!" Louis says looking at the big wheel in front of him.

"Come on, Lou! It's the London eye! This is literally on my bucket list. Please!" Harry looks at Louis, staring at him with his big beautiful green orbs. They suck up Louis immediately and he can't refuse the boy anything when he gives him that look.

"Fine, but you pay the tickets."

"Yay!" Harry runs towards the check register, buying two tickets. He looks so happy and it really warms Louis' heart. Today has been amazing so far. They held hands in the dungeon, cuddled on the boat and made a lot of silly pictures together in front of the Big Ben. Louis looks at the pictures they have made, choosing one to be the background of his phone. Now it was a silly picture of a dog that Louis found cute, but this one is a lot better. They had asked a stranger to make a picture of them. Louis jumped unexpectedly on Harry's back, having a big smile on his face. The sudden movement made Harry look up at Louis, smiling as well. The Big Ben in the background makes it even better. Yeah, Louis really likes this picture.

"Let's get in the cue, Lou!" Harry says when he comes back with the two tickets. They stand there for about 20 minutes and it is already getting dark. It's 5 PM and the sky looks already like it is midnight.

"Next one!" A man screams.

"Yes, that's us Lou!" Harry grabs Louis' hand and pulls the smaller boy with him.

"I really don't like this Haz." Louis says breathing unevenly. He hates heights so much.

Harry grabs Louis' hand, stroking the palm of his hand with his thumb.

"It's okay, Lou. Look we are all the way up!" Louis doesn't want to look down or in front of him. He doesn't want to see how high they are. Instead he looks at the curly lad next to him.

"Look at all the lights, Lou. This view is so beautiful!" Harry looks at the big city in front of him full with adoration.

"Really beautiful." Louis whispers, eyes not leaving the green eyed boy next to him.

Harry feels Louis' stare and he can't help but watch back. He looks at Louis' lips, and Louis does exactly the same to Harry's lips.

Harry closes his eyes, slowly leaning in. He feels his heart beating out of his chest. He quickly wants to check what Louis is doing, opening one eye, but when he sees his eyes are closed as well, Harry keeps leaning in.

Their lips connect, fireworks going off, body tingling, brain turned off, both having the most intense moment of their lives.

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