11. Surprise and crutches

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“What is the surprise?”, Jonah asks, making a small pause after every word, “Tell me, Harry.”

I grin and try to pull the green sweater over his head.
“Guess what, your dad will be back when you get home from school today.”

Jonah gasps and opens his eyes widely. “Daddy! That’s the bestest message ever!”, he shouts and runs off to the kitchen, sweater still not put on correctly.

I smile widely and follow him. “I agree, that really is the best message ever.”

I can’t wait for Louis to come back home, I can’t wait for Louis to get better, I can’t wait to finally ask him out when he’s alright again.
I’ve decided I’m really sure I want to get to know him even better than I did the last days because he seems pretty much perfect.

What he said yesterday and the way he took my hand made my realize just how much I like him already.

“I tell Daddy everything about the dogs and show him my picture with Liam and Zayn from the playground and also I make my daddy some soup, he always does that when I’m sick.”

Jonah won’t stop smiling while making plans for the afternoon, trying to eat his cereal while talking but he ends up leaving half of the bowl before running to the door.
“Go, Harry, the faster I go to school the faster it’s afternoon.”

I chuckle and drink the last sip of my tea before following him. “That is not exactly how it works, love, but yes, we should get going anyways so you’re not late for school.”

I take our car to take Jonah to school so I can pick up Louis right afterwards.
I don’t know why I’m so excited to see him already, it’s only been two days, but I can’t wait to see him again.

In the car I turn on the radio and Jonah sings glibberish to some song by a boyband I don’t know the name of.

“Harry, stop”, Jonah squeaks and points out of the window, “You drive past my school.”

I pull a funny face. “Oopsies, I was a little preoccupied.”
I was a little preoccupied thinking about your dad.

He chuckles and then bends over to press a kiss to my cheek, something that makes my heart flutter a little.
I adore this boy.

“Bye, Harry”, he mumbles before jumping out of the car.
I watch him run off to the entrance, making sure he arrives safely. I can’t believe how much I like him.

I look at him greeting his friends before I take a turn, finally heading to the hospital.


I bounce my foot up and down, looking at the clock every three seconds.

Louis is only five minutes late and he said it’s possible that he won’t be punctual because of his doctor still having to run a few final tests and filling in some papers but I’m impatient.

I feel like exploding if he doesn’t arrive soon.
“Thank you”, I hear Louis voice from the floor and I quickly get up.

It takes him about forever to enter though, probably because of his leg and the crutches he has to use. It would come across weird if I just stood there, awkwardly waiting for him, so I sit down again.

That seems weird too though. Maybe I should grab a magazine and pretend to be reading when he enters? That probably would-

“Hi, Harry.”
I get up a little too fast and excitedly and look at Louis.

He looks way better, if there wasn’t still a little bruising on his forehead and the cast around his leg, I wouldn’t even have noticed any difference. He always looked tired before the accident already.

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