seven months later

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“This one”, Jonah says and nods convinced, “Is the cutest.”

I nod and take the small jacket into my hands, trying to contain the strong feeling in my heart. “Good choice, baby. Is good for a girl and a boy, isn’t it?”

He nods carefully. “Yeah. Think so too. How long again?”

“Not long now. A few weeks. We’ll look at the calendar at home and then I can show you, alright?”, Louis says and puts the jacket into one of the bags.

It’s the first time we’re  going shopping today, after just having met our baby’s birth mum. She’s still rather young, that's why she decided to put the baby up for adoption and seemed pretty happy to have met us. It’s only about four months more until we’ll meet our new family member and it feels like it’s going way too fast but slow at the same time.

We know we won’t be able to keep living in our flat forever, considering the baby wouldn’t have an own room once it gets older, so things are getting a lot the last days with searching for new flats or houses, shopping for the baby and still continuing with our daily life.

Louis’ tiptoes and kisses me carefully, cupping my jaw with his hand. “Day dreaming again?”

I nod with a small smile and he chuckles quietly, so happily, and once again I feel like this was the best decision we could’ve made.

“Daddy, Papa, you have to come! I found something amazing!”, Jonah shouts from across the room and I see him jumping up and down excitedly.

“What is it, honey?”, Louis ask once we’ve arrived at the shelf he’s standing at.

“How much pocket money do I have?”, he asks and smiles excitedly.

“Five pounds, baby. Why?”
Jonah’s smile drops a little and he stares at the floor disappointedly. “Damn. That’s not enough.”

“What did you want to buy?”, I ask, bending down so I can talk to him better.

“Found this”, he says and pulls out a small, black stuffed cat. “Wanted it for the baby. So it likes cats too. And then we can play with ours together and I could teach it all about the cats. But I don’t have enough money to buy it.”

“Aw, love”, I say and ruffle through his hair, “How much is it, nine pounds? I say you pay three, Daddy pays three and I pay three, okay? You can give it to the baby as your present though. How does that sound?”

Jonah smiles broadly and presses a short kiss to my cheek before hugging Louis’ legs. “Thanks, my best daddies. I will love the baby the most.”

I smile happily and nod. “Bet you will, J. We’ll all love it the most.”

Jonah nods and runs of to look at some shirts a bit further. I pull Louis in by the waist and press a short kiss to his temple, nuzzling my nose up in his hair.

“All good?”, he asks, smiling up at me.

I hum quietly and nod. “I’ll be a good dad too, won’t I?”

“Baby, what’s that thought about? ‘Course you’ll be. You already are, Hazza.”

“I think I know I am, for Jonah, at least. But I’ve known him since I was five, not since he was a new-born. It’ll be so easy for you but I’m scared I’ll mess it up.”

“No, no, no, stop with that, lovely. It won’t be a competition. We’ll do it together, dummy. Maybe there will be things you don’t know and then I’ll show you, maybe there will be things I don’t know and you’ll show me. Heard that?”

I nod. “You’re right, as always.” He laughs quietly and kisses me before Jonah interrupts us with a loud shout across the store.

“Come here, daddies, I found another cute thing!”

We laugh and walk towards him, while he's waving a shirt through the air. It’s a small light blue shirt with a pastel green dinosaur on it. “I bet if the baby likes dinosaurs as much as I did, it’ll be his favourite shirt.”

“Okay”, Louis says, “But that will be the last thing we buy, or the baby has more clothes than us three together without even being born yet.”

Jonah giggles and brushes through his hair with his hand before stuffing the shirt into the bag as well.


Once we’re back home, we sit down on the couch, looking through all the stuff we bought.

Jonah puts a pacifier into his mouth and grins broadly. “I am a baby”, he mumbles and Louis takes the pacifier out of his mouth. “Nah, hun, you’re not. That’s a bit disgusting, think of all the people that touched that already.”

Jonah rolls his eyes and Louis looks at him with raised eyebrows. “What did I say about rolling your eyes all the time, J?”

“Not really his fault, is it?”, I mumble, “He has the perfect example right in front of him.”

Louis bumps his shoulder into mine hardly and glares at me what makes Theo meow loudly and jump of my lap.

“Look what you did, you idiot. Poor cat.”

He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Care about the cat more than about me, don’t you?”

“Stop with the stupid fake fights”, Jonah says and pulls out the pastel yellow jacket we chose earlier, “And rather look how tiny it is.”

He smiles softly and rubs the jacket against his cheek softly. “Think it’s gonna be a girl”, he says and traces along the small stars on the fabric.

“Would you prefer that?”, I ask and lay down another shirt on the couch table.

He shrugs and shakes his head. “I won’t mind. But Theo is a boy, I am, you are, Daddy is. I think we need a girl too, or else it’s too many boys.”

Louis laughs and nods. “I like that theory. But we’ll love it anyways, won’t we?”

Jonah nods quickly. “Yes. I will love it more than anything.”

“More than us?”, I ask, glaring at him, trying to look angry.

“Sure”, he replies and giggles quietly, “You won’t be important anymore.”

I tickle him out of the sudden and try to hold him down, but he’s become a little too strong and heavy for that.

“Papa, you stop it, immediately!”

“Not until you take back that extremely mean sentence.”

He giggles and tries to kick me with his feet. “Okay, stop it. I will love you too.”

I let go of him and he grins, wrapping his arms around my upper body. “I will always love you.” He turns to Louis and hugs him as well. “And you too. Will always love you both and the baby.”

“That’s just amazing, isn’t it? That we love each other so much?”, Louis asks and pulls me closer to both of them.

I nod. “The baby will love coming into this family for sure, with such an amazing brother and Daddy.”

“And Papa”, Jonah adds, “You’ll be also amazing.”



hoped you liked this one

girl or boy? any predictions?

i know that this might not be realistic, considering how fast they got over with the adoption process, but i don't really care:))

have a great day<3

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