30. Calls and stepdads

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“No”, Louis says, crossing his arms and pouting what makes me giggle a little, “Not the whole weekend.”

“Baby, please”, I beg as if him saying no would change anything.

He’s still pouting, rolling his eyes with a sad smile. “Okay. But then I’ll take you out the weekend after.” He whines. “That’s so long. We’ll miss you, Haz.”

I smile and kiss him on his cheek. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

We make out lazily for a few minutes before I sit up, suddenly having a really good idea.
“Why don’t you just come with me?”

He opens his eyes widely, blinking fast. “No.”

I laugh over his dramatic reaction and shrug. “Okay. But I’m pretty sure mum wouldn’t mind taking Jonah for a night and maybe I could show you my favourite childhood places.”

He smiles a little now but I shrug. “But okay, if you don’t want that, then you’ll have to stay here, all alone, without me.”

He slaps my arm softly before crossing his arms again. “You’re so mean.”

I lean over him and kiss him. “Why? Just offering.”

“What if they’ll hate me?”
“You’re so dumb. Nobody could hate you, you’re way too perfect.”

“My perfect boyfriend”, I add afterwards, just because it still feels a little unreal, being able to call him that.

He blushes and smiles. “And they wouldn’t mind having two more guests? I mean Gemma is already bringing her boyfriend and I just don’t want it to be too much.”

I pulled out my phone halfway through his sentence and am now dialling my mum’s number.
“What are you doing?”, Louis asks and frowns.

“Calling my mum. Asking if I can bring my two boys.”
He blushes again and nods.

“Hi, honey”, mum says when she picks up, “How are you?”

“Hi mum, I’m good, thank you.” I smile at Louis and turn on the speaker so he can follow the conversation.

“That’s great. Can’t wait to see you this weekend. Is there any special reason you’re calling or did you actually want to talk to you old and boring mother?”

“Mum”, I whine, “It’s not like I never call. And you’re not old or boring.”

She laughs and I feel Louis putting his head on my shoulder next to me, smiling up at me.

“Okay”, she says, “But what is it that you wanted to talk about? I only planned on cooking vegetarian for you and Gemma and both your rooms are cleaned. I also did not invite any of our annoying friends over."

I can hear Louis laughing next to me quietly so I turn to him and he looks at me with an amused grin.

“Don’t laugh at me”, I whisper and poke my tongue out at him what makes him chuckle again.
“Harry?”, mum asks and I avert my gaze of Louis to concentrate on the call again.

“Sorry, mum, I was talking to Louis, that’s what I actually wanted to talk to you about.”
“Sure, honey, what is it?”

“Would you mind if I took him and Jonah with me next weekend?”

“No, of course not, you don’t even have to ask, lovely. I can’t wait to meet them.”

I look at Louis who’s smiling brightly and smile back.
“Thank you, mum, see you on Friday.”

“See you, Harry, I love you.”
I mumble a quick “Love you too” before hanging up and turn to face Louis.

“What did I tell you?”
“The truth.”

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