47. Babies and wine

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Christmas goes by too fast. We spend the next few days at my parents’ before we return home. We decide we all want to spend New Year together in our flat.

“Hi”, Niall says and hugs me, “Hope you had a good Christmas, mate.”

“I did. Hi Nialler, missed you.”

He grins and steps aside so I can say hi to Amelia as well. I’m happy we all are meeting together again, it’s been a while.

“Hi Amelia”, I say and hug her as well, “So nice to see you again.”

“Hi, Harry.” She smiles and tiptoes so she can hug be better, “I missed you.”

They enter, hugging Louis as well and starting to help him with dinner. I smile when I see Liam and Zayn coming up the stairs, hands intertwined.

“Hello, you two”, I say and grin.

“Hi, Harry”, Zayn says, fist bumping me because he’s carrying two bottles of wine in his hands, not being able to hug me properly.

Liam says hello as well and just when I want to close the door again, I see two people coming up the stairs.

I’ve never actually met Taylor and Joe before but Louis mentioned before how well their daughter and Jonah get along so we decided to make them part of our friend group, Amelia said she could use some female company anyways.

“Hi, Harry, nice to finally meet you. Heard a lot about you”, Taylor says and smiles when she enters the flat, hugging me with her free arm.

On the other one she’s carrying a baby, maybe half a year old.

“Hi Taylor”, I say, “Nice to meet you as well, heard even more about you.”

“Hello there”, I coo, addressing the blonde baby, “who are you, sweetie?” I tickle her chubby tummy and it looks like she smiles a little.

“That’s Juliet”, she says, “our little one. Don’t know where my husband and older one are, she was having her little moment in the car, they should be up any moment.”

I laugh and signal her to walk inside. “Thanks for coming.”

“Thanks for inviting us.”

I wait at the door for Joe and Betty to walk up the stairs. Betty has her blonde hair tied up in a small bun on top of her head, wearing a dress with little stars on it and colourful leggings under it.

“Hi”, Joe says and smiles before fist bumping me, “Nice to meet you. You’re Harry, I suppose?”

I nod. “Yeah, nice to meet you as well.”

“Bets, baby, come say hi.”
Betty hides behind his legs and tries looking at me without actually having to take a step forward.

“Hi, Betty”, I say, “I’m Jonah’s second dad, Harry. Nice to meet you.”

“Hello”, she mumbles, now smiling, “I am Betty. Jonah’s bestest friend. I like cats like Jonah and I have a cat toy but daddy forgetted it at home so I am super mad.”

I smile. “I’m sure Jonah will share his toys with you, love, he’s in his room, you can go look for him, alright?”

She grins, showing off the gap between her teeth, nods and runs of into Jonah’s room.

Joe and me walk back to the kitchen where all the others are already cooking and chatting. It looks like Niall and Amelia already made their acquaintances with Taylor while Louis brags about being the ultimate match maker for Liam and Zayn. Zayn just rolls his eyes, trying to focus on cutting the potato on the cutting board.

“Hi baby”, Louis says and gives me a peck on the lips, “Think you could lay down Jonah now? Want him to sleep for a bit or he’ll be dead tomorrow.”

I chuckle and nod. “Yes, could do that.”

I walk into Jonah’s room where him and Betty are sitting on the bed, a cat in each of their arm.

“J, darling, how about we sleep for a bit so you can stay up to see the fireworks later?”

He shakes his head and keeps talking to Betty, ignoring me completely.

“Honey”, I say, “I’m sorry for interrupting but I think you should take a little nap now.”

He shakes his head again. “No. I don’t want to.”

“We asked you earlier, J, and you said you wanted to do it this evening, not in the afternoon, so we have to do this now.”

He rolls his eyes. “No. Not tired.”

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to him. “I think you are, just for an hour, a little nap and when you wake up you two can play again.”

Betty nods, lays Stacey down on the bed and leaves the room, but Jonah doesn’t seem to quite like the idea yet.

“No, Harry, I will not.”

I sigh, trying to stay patient. “I’ll stay until you’re asleep, yeah?”

“I will not even fall asleep, now let me play.”

“Come on, baby, I don’t want to fight.”

He shakes his head and crosses his arms in front of his chest, not looking at me. I move a little closer and wrap my arms around him, he tries to let go but I tighten my embrace.

“You’re stupid, let me go.”

“Never would let go my baby, give your Hazzie some hugs, will you?”

He doesn’t hug me back but at least stops to move so I stay like that for some time, kissing the top of his head softly.

After some time I drag him down onto bed so we’re laying next to each other and he even stops crossing his arms and hugs me back, wrapping his tiny arms around me.

“Kay”, he say, yawning, “If you insist.”

“I do insist, baby.”

He rolls his eyes and nods before sitting up to turn off the light. “Alright, but you stay until I sleep.”

“Of course.”

“Thank you for always doing what I want.”

I laugh and ruffle through his hair. “I like doing that for you, my love. You’re my most, most favourite, remember?”

He nods. “You’re my most, most favourite too.”

“One most too much”, I say, pulling the blanket up to his shoulder and combing through his hair with my fingers to calm him down.

“No. Now it’s two most.”

“But what about daddy? Isn’t he your most, most favourite anymore?”

“Hazzie, you dummy”, he says and giggles, “You’re both my most, most favourites, of course.”


last chapter today or tomorrow?

thanks for having read so far<3

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