42. Birthday and everything

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The morning of Louis birthday, I sneak out of bed quietly, trying really hard not to wake him up. I head to the kitchen and am happy to see the cake, I cooked until late at night yesterday, survived the night.
It’s nothing too fancy, but it still looks pretty good, considering I never baked while working at the bakery.

I stick some candles into the dough and light them before grabbing the black envelope from the drawer I hid them in. I am hoping Louis didn’t get up in the meantime. I head upstairs again, opening the door to our room and there he is, still laying in bed, eyes closed peacefully.

I place my stuff on the nightstand and lay down next to him again, admiring his beauty for some time before I remember that I should maybe wake him so the wax of the candles won’t drop onto the cake.

"Baby”, I whisper and press a kiss to his cheek, “Wake up.”

I stroke a loose strand out of his forehead and he starts moving carefully before he opens one eye. He smiles when he sees me but quickly closes his eye again. “Hi”, he mumbles.

“Hi, my darling. Happy birthday.”

He smiles even more and finally opens his eyes. “Thank you.”

I kiss him, only shortly, so he’ll finally blow out the candles. “Here”, I say and place the plate with the cake on it on the bed, “Wish for something.”

“Harry”, he says, “You didn’t have to.”

“You dummy, it’s just a cake.”
He chuckles and blows out the candles all in one go. “Wished for us to live forever happily.”

I smile but slap his arm softly. “Now it won’t become true, you told me what you wished for.”

“Will become true”, he says, “I know it anyways.”

He places his hand in my neck and pulls me down for a little longer kiss.  “Can I try it?”, he asks and I nod, handing him the fork I brought.

He sits up and leans against the headboard before stuffing a piece of cake into his mouth and feeding me one as well.

“Delicious”, he mumbles with mouth full, “Good job, my baker boy.”

I laugh and kiss him again; he tastes like chocolate cake. He leans his head against my chest. “Always thought turning older was scary, but since I have you, it isn’t anymore. I have everything I want now, there’s no pressure anymore.”

My smile grows bigger with every word he says and I pull him even closer, trying to have every inch of him as close to my body as possible.

“Now the present”, I say and he looks up at me with furrowed eyebrows, shaking his head.

“I hope you’re joking, Harry, or we’ll get in serious trouble.”

I roll my eyes and place a kiss on top of his head before handing him the envelope. “It’s nothing special anyways.”

He pulls out the card first and I can’t see his face while he reads what I wrote last evening after that perfect day where I was all love drunken, so I really hope it isn’t too cheesy or affectionate.

“What the fuck, Harry”, he whispers when he finished reading, eyes a little glassy, “Don’t do that to me.”

He gives me a quick peck on the mouth and smiles. His eyes look like they sparkle a little and it might just be the tears he’s holding back, but it could also be love.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”
It’s silent for a few minutes in which I keep brushing through his hair, humming happy birthday quietly before he points to the QR-code in the corner of the card. “What’s this for?”, he asks.

“Scan it.”
It suddenly feels like a stupid present, a bad idea, weird and probably not enough. “I don’t know, it’s not really the best and I don’t know if you’ll like it, but-“

Louis presses his hand to my mouth and looks at me strictly while he waits for his music app to open on his phone.

The picture of the playlist appears, it’s the one we made on our second date, both in the cinema, popcorn between us and hands formed to piece sign and middle finger.

He scrolls down a little, reading every song name. I am nervous the whole time because he probably won’t even like it.

“This is the cutest thing someone ever did to me after the card you wrote me, Harry, if I wasn’t so happy I’d be mad at you for putting so much effort into this.”

I smile softly and he clicks on the first song, waiting for it to start playing. It’s paper rings and I watch his smile grow bigger with every line that’s playing.

When she sings: “I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this”, he laughs and slaps my arm. “Harry, stop bringing up that stupid accident. I do not need to be reminded of it.”

He chuckles as he brings his lips up against mine again and we kiss until the song stops playing with one last quiet: “You’re the one I want.”

“This will be the only playlist I’ll ever listen to again besides the ‘Top fifty kid songs’.”

I laugh and he nuzzles up against my shoulder, smiling up at me.

“Will you be very mad if I tell you something?”

“Nope”, he says, popping the ‘p’, “Not really in the mood to be mad right now.”

“The envelope isn’t empty yet.”

He glares at me. “Harry Edward Styles, it better not be another present.”

I just shrug again as he opens the envelope entirely and pulls out the bracelet. It’s nothing too special, a simple plaited leather bracelet in black with a small circle in silver in the middle, an ‘H’ engraved in it.

“Oh, shut up”, he says and shakes his head, “I told you to not get me anything and you get me the best fucking presents I ever received? You’re such a sycophant.”

I laugh and take the bracelet to put it on, adjusting the length afterwards. “I hope you like it. Maybe a bit narcissistic to engrave my first letter in it, but I just thought it’d be like a symbol. That I’ll be always there, with you.”

I don’t know why there’s a tear running down his cheek when I say that. “Like a promise”, I whisper and then he’s crying, kissing me forcefully but slowly.

“You’re just, you’re everything”, he mumbles, “Everything, Harry.”


birthdayyyyy hihi

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