39. Restaurants and parenthood

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We leave for my family’s two days later. We’re greeted with a house filled with people,  Christmas music ad the smell of cookies.

Jonah loves baking with mum every day or helping Robin try to decorate the house. Louis and me are able to spend a bit more time alone, going for walks around the neighbourhood and cuddling on the sofa, tasting cookies Jonah serves us. I know mum and Robin both like Jonah and Louis already and Gemma and Tyler have so many inside jokes with Louis I get jealous. It’s so perfect, it all feels like a dream, just that it’s even better.

Two days before Christmas I decide it’s time Louis meets a few childhood friends of mine and we plan on meeting at our favourite restaurant. After having read his goodnight story to Jonah, Louis the pirate, me the crocodile voice, we leave by foot.

I wrap my arm around Louis’ waist while walking and he snuggles closer. Our cold breath leaves patterns in the air, and my coat isn’t enough to keep me warm, his side against mine is though.

When we finally arrive at the restaurant, warm air surrounds us and Louis smiles up at me nervously.

“Babe, stop. They will like you, just as much as everyone else does.”

He keeps smiling, not looking really relieved until we arrive at the table and they all jump up to hug us.

“Hi, I’m Lizzo”, she says and hugs Louis, “We look like a weird group, I get it. Thanks for putting up with us."

Louis laughs and I can feel his tension leaving as he hugs Lizzo back.

The other three say their hellos as well before we sit down at the table. Nick sits down next to me and smiles.

“Harry, never would’ve thought you’d end up with someone”, he makes a pause and makes a gesture towards Louis, “Like Louis. Isn’t he a bit out of your league?”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “If anything, I’m out of his league”, I say and pretend to flip my hair.

“Excuse me”, Louis who sits on my other side says and looks at me shocked, “Nick is absolutely right.”

Nick laughs and fist bumps Louis while I sit between them, trying to look offended.

“Poor Harry”, Natasha says and pouts, “Let him live in his little fantasy.”

I put my hands on my hips and glare at her while she just laughs. “Is anyone still on my side anymore?”, I ask and wipe away my non-existent tears.

“I am”, Josh and Lizzo shout at the same time and laugh.

“You’re very pretty and kind Harry”, Lizzo says and grins, “But Louis is still out of your league.”

I look at Josh. “My dear, you’re my only hope left.”

Before he can answer, we’re interrupted by the waitress, wanting to take our orders. While the others are ordering, I look at Louis and he smiles, looking comfortable.

“Beginners luck”, I say, “They’re just trying to get liked by you.”

He chuckles and kisses my cheek. “Poor babe, when in reality I clearly am the one who got lucky.”

I roll my eyes and mutter a quick: “We’ll discuss that later”, before turning to the waitress as well.

The evening goes by fast. We talk about a lot and after two hours, my friends told Louis every single embarrassing childhood story of mine there is to tell.

When I come back from the toilet the conversation somehow went from first drunken times to being a parent, but Louis has a good reason for how that topic came up.
“I wasn’t exactly sober that night.”

The others laugh and they keep joking about alcohol for some time before they want to know everything about parenthood, especially Natasha, who’s pregnant with her first child.
“And then you just let him be?”

Louis shrugs. “Yeah, he’s a sweet kid, but sometimes he has his moments. Usually let him stay at his room for a bit before he comes back anyways.”

Natasha looks at him interestedly, looking like she’s trying to remember every single information for five years later.

“And he knows, you’re boyfriends? I mean, wasn’t that complicated, telling him?”, Josh asks and takes a sip from his beer.

“No”, Louis now says, “He loves Harry, was no problem at all.”

Josh smiles at me and it’s such a comfort, seeing how happy he is for me, seeing that my childhood best friend sees what I see. That he totally supports me still, after all those years.

We continue talking until Lizzo decides to head home. She smiles and says goodbye before heading to the bar to pay her bill. The other three follow a little later but Louis and I decide to stay for some time longer.

“So”, I ask, “Wasn’t that bad now, was it?”

He laughs and shakes his head before leaning it to my shoulder. “No, not at all. You’re getting me a social life again, Harry.”

I smile and let my fingers run through his hair a few times. “I’m just happy you like them.”

“I’m just happy they like me.”

“I told you they would, of course they would. Louis, you don’t notice but you’re very easy to like. Love, even.”

He rolls his eyes but smiles. “As if you weren’t.”

I shrug, I never thought I was, never thought it could be that easy, but with him it is. Apparently, it’s possible, finding that person, your person because what I feel for Louis is something I’ve never felt before, not for anyone and that has to mean something.

“I love you, Harry.”

He looks at me with such honesty in his eyes, with so much affection and fondness that this might be the first time, I actually, really believe him, might be the first time I’m sure his feelings for me are just as strong as mine for him are.

It makes my heart beat so fast and loud that it feels like I’m some ten-year-old having a crush for the first time.
“And I love you, Louis.”



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