44.Christmas and bracelets

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I wake up from someone nuzzling up against my shoulder, hands tangled up in my hair.

“Hazzie?”, Jonah whispers, “Get up with me? It’s Christmas.”

I chuckle lowly and open my eyes, having a look at the clock. Luckily, it’s already eight am so he didn’t wake us up too early.

“Mhmh, give me a minute, yeah?”

He nods and climbs over me, knocking his knee into every part of my body so that it feels like I just got beaten up when he arrives on Louis’ side.

“Daddy”, he says, shaking Louis shoulder, “Wanna get the presents.”

Louis opens one eye slightly and smiles before closing it again. “In a minute.”

Jonah whines. “You adults are all the same. Always in a minute.”

I chuckle and pull him in for a hug. “Good morning my love, merry Christmas.”

“Morning.” He kisses my cheek. “Merry Christmas my Hazzie, get presents with me?”

I nod and sit up, patting Louis shoulder softly so he finally opens his eyes. “Go wake the others up”, I tell Jonah and he runs off to knock on the other two doors as well.

I lay down again, pulling Louis in for a hug. “Good morning, baby. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas”, he mumbles between kisses he presses all over my face, “I love you.”

“And I love you.”
He sits up now, trying to get used to the light that’s coming from the hallway. “If you got me a present, I’ll kill you.”

I don’t say anything. I didn’t get him anything expansive, just something that has a meaning to it and I really hope he’ll like it anyways.

We quickly head to the bathroom to at least brush our teeth before Jonah comes running back.

“The others are already downstairs, lets go!”

We follow him down the stairs, telling him to slow down because it looks like he’ll fall down any seconds but he makes it to the living room safely.

Louis insists he says Merry Christmas to everyone first and as he looks into his stocking, us others are hugging, celebrating the morning with a lot of ‘I love you’s and Merry Christmas’s.

Mum insisted us others hung up stockings as well so we all head to the fireplace to see what she filled them with. There are a lot of sweets in each of the adults’ ones and she even put in some money.

“Thank you, mum”, I whisper when Jonah isn’t listening and press a kiss to the top of her head.

“I got a T-rex”, Jonah shouts and waves the little figure through the air, “Santa’s the best.”

After emptying the stockings, Jonah sits down under the tree, searching for the presents wrapped in wrapping paper with cats on them because he’s sure those have to belong to him.

We all watch him happily and it’s adorable, the way he impatiently rips open every present and cheers over every new toy he receives.

“Best Christmas ever”, he says after having unwrapped all of his presents and looks at his toys fondly, “Hazzie, you gonna play with me later?”

I nod before kneeling down beside him. “There are still some presents left, want to figure out who they are for with me?”

He nods and pulls out the first package under the tree. “A”, he starts reading the little name tag, “N, N, E. Anne?”

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