one week later

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“I’ll tug him in”, I say, pressing a kiss to Louis’ cheek before leaving him on the couch of the small balcony that belongs to our hotel room.

“Jonah, baby, ready for bed?”, I ask as I walk into his room. He’s already sitting on the couch, wearing his pyjama, his three cats in his arms.

“Yes, ready. Am so tired from the beach anyways.”

“I can imagine, me too. “

I sit down on the couch he sleeps on and help him to get comfortable, trying to take deep breaths and concentrating on what I want to say.

I know I need to ask him; know I couldn’t just ask Louis without his permission. Sounds stupid, maybe, but I don’t want him to get the feeling I’m stealing Louis from him.

“Can I talk to you about something for a second, my love?”

He nods, wrapping his fingers around mine and smiling up at me.

“What is it, Papa?”

He scrunches his nose and removes a loose strand of hair out of his forehead, smiling up at me impatiently.

“Would you mind if I asked Louis to marry me? Become my husband?”

He frowns. “Why ask him?”

“Propose to him. Know what that is?”

He nods and smiles. “You give them a ring and ask: ‘Want to marry me?’ and then they say yes or no.”


“So, you want to propose to daddy?”

I nod.

“And why do you ask me?”

“I just want to make sure you’re alright with it, baby. Make sure you are okay with it and know that it doesn’t change a lot, just that we’d have a wedding and be each others husbands.”

“Yes, okay. Know that now, Papa. You can ask him. I will not say a word.”

He puts his index finger to his lips. “It’s a secret.”

I smile. “Thank you, honey. If I’m brave enough, I’ll ask him today.”

“Why brave?”

“Because it’s a bit scary, he could say no, you know. That’d be bad,”

“Oh”, Jonah says, “But he won’t say no, Papa. Why would he? He loves you so he wants to marry.”


I walk out of Jonah’s room after he fell asleep, that sentence still in my ear. He loves you so he wants to marry.

I walk to my suitcase and pull out the little black case out of it, opening it to stare at the ring. It’s a plain silver ring, nothing too exciting but considering Louis never wears jewerly, I thought that it’d fit.

Closing he box and putting it into the pocket of my trousers, I walk back to the balcony where Louis is still sitting, sipping on some wine.

“Hi”, I say, trying not to sound too nervous before sitting down on the couch next to him.

“All good?”, he asks, handing me a glass of wine as well.

“Yeah”, I breath, trying to concentrate. How do I even do this? And what if it’s too early? We’ve known each other for a little less than two years, isn’t this way too early?

Then again, in some reality TV shows they marry without ever having met each other and it works out. What if he’ll say no? Fuck, what if he doesn’t even want to marry?

“Harry, baby”, Louis says, waving his hand in front of my face, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing”, I blurt out, shaking my head way too quickly.

“Harry, stop acting like nothing was wrong, why are you so nervous?

I frown, trying to act like I don’t know what he’s talking about but he keeps staring at me with raised eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

“Ugh”, I say defeated, “Just wanted to ask you something.”

“Okay, then ask”, Louis says, sounding impatiently but smiling.

“It’s not that easy.”

He rolls his eyes now, pulling me in for a short kiss. “Haz, baby, tell me now.”

“Okay”, I mumble before moving away from him a little. I’ll just do it. I’ll do it.

We’re sitting on the couch, facing each other, an impatient look in his eyes, our knees touching slightly.

“Um”, I say, putting my hand in the pocket of my trousers to take out the box. “I-“, I start, stopping myself again.

“Do you want to marry me?”, I blurt out a little too fast but I pull out the box at the same time, opening it in a smooth motion.

It feels like forever until he answers and I’m not able to read the emotion in his eyes, not sure if it’s just surprise or shock, if he’s excited or overwhelmed.

“’Course I do”, he breathes, eyes shining, “Harry, god, yes.”

I smile, way too broadly, staring at his glowing eyes and the smile on his lips, way too in love to move or speak.

“I think”, Louis interrupts me with a big smile on his lips, “You’re supposed to put the ring on now.”

I chuckle and nod, eyes filling with tears because Jonah was right, he loves me so he wants to marry.

“Don’t cry”, he says as I put the ring onto his finger, “I’m not gonna be a that bad of a husband.”

I laugh and lean forward to connect our lips and when I feel his hand in my neck, cold ring on my skin, I smile even more, fireworks erupting in my tummy.

“Thank you”, Louis whispers and cuddles closer.

“For what?”

“Asking me. I’d have been too scared.”

“Believe me, I was scared too.”

He laughs and wipes the tears that’s still on my cheek away with his thumb.

“But Jonah said you loved me and wanted to marry me.”

“You talked to him about it?”
He puts his head on my chest and I rub over his back in regular motions, still feeling the butterflies in my tummy.

“Yeah, wanted to make sure he was alright with it, knew that nothing would change.”

Louis smiles up at me, kissing me on the lips, a small tear running down his cheek now. “Couldn’t have wished for a more perfect future husband.”

“Future husband”, I repeat quietly, “Sounds pretty good, if you ask me.”



this might be the last update in some time

I'll he on holidays for very long and I'm not sure if I'll get the time to write

and right afterwards school with start again

i hope you're all doing well<3

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