{1} The Spawns

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"-all you need is one drop."

Instead of putting in one drop, I pour the whole bottle of Phosphoric Acid into the mixture filled test tube.


The test tube blows up in my face along with Raziel's.

Welp, good thing we're wearing safety glasses.

Raziel is my cousin and my best friend.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" Raziel and I exclaim in unison, high-fiving eachother.

"Angel, Raziel, Miss Boldock said one drop of Phosphoric Acid, not one shitload!" Ashlynn, my other cousin, yells, laughing. "Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops, did you see that?"

Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops is her imaginary unicorn and the daughter of Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops.

"Who gives a shit?" My twin brother, Jayden, questions. "That was so cool!"

"Yeah, it was!" Hunter, my other cousin, agrees, high-fiving Jayden.

Okay, let me clear things up.

Mine and Jayden's parents are Summer-Storm and Kayden Paris. Raziel's parents are Cole and Kyla TeNana-Williams. Hunter's parents are Nate and Hannah TeNana-Williams. Ashlynn's parents are Reese and Cassie TeNana-Williams.

And that means we do a shitload of stupid things.

Like blowing up our science experiment, for example.

"You five are just like your parents." Mrs Boldock, our science teacher groans just as the bell rings. We rush out of the classroom and into the hallway.

"Ugh, time for History." Raziel groans as we walk towards said class.

"Don't you mean Hell?" I questions, making him chuckle.

"More like Satan's ass." He corrects, just as we get to the classroom.

The bell rings just as we sit down and our History teacher, Ms Hayfer, walks in.

Ms Hayfer.

Evil enough to be Satan's wife.

No wonder mom and dad hated her.

They still do.



Yea- ugh I'm talking to myself again!

You're not talking to yourself, you're talking to me, your subconscious.

Right, the little angel and/or devil that sits on my shoulder, telling me of I should blow up the science building or not.

Or in your case, angel.

Are you calling me a naughty girl? Hehehe.

You're just just like dad.

Well, duh. He's my dad.

"Class!" Ms Hayfer gets our attention. "This is our new student, River Hale. Do your best to make him feel welcome."

Standing at the front of the class, is a boy with tan skin, dark brown hair and bright green eyes.


Yeah, woah.

He's beautiful.

Yes, he is.

"Oh my Fee-Fee." Ashlynn whispers, staring at River in a daze.

"Hey, Riv!" Raziel yells, waving an arm. "Over here." He points to the empty seat on my left.

Raz sits on my right, Hunter sits in front of him, Jayden sits in front of me, and Ashlynn sits on Jayden's left, leaving an empty seat next to me.

And yes, we sit in the same sits as our parents used to. Get used to it.

"Hey, Raz." River sends him smile, walking over.

"How do you know him?" I lean over and ask my best friend and cousin.

"Remember when we went with our parents to San Francisco?" He question and I nod. "Well, when you and Ashlynn went to play pranks on people at the beach, we went to our dads basketball practice and met him. He's Leo's son. And he's pretty damn good at basketball."

I love basketball, but, unlike my mom, I don't play on the girls and guys team. Instead, I'm on the girls team and the track team.

Mom was on the track team, too.

Right, she was on every sports team. I so did not forget that!

Leo Hale is the other starter on the Golden State Wartiors, my dad, Uncle Nate,Uncle Cole and Uncle Reese being the other four.

"Oh." I nod. "Well, he's hot."

He rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Of course you'd think he's hot."

"Who wouldn't?"

River pulls out the chair and takes a seat next to me, I send him a small smile which he returns with a smirk.

Holy shiz nuggets, he's sexy.

Now, Jayden, Raziel and Hunter aren't as overprotective over Ashlynn and I as Uncle Nate, Uncle Cole and Uncle Reese were over mom, but my dad on the other hand...

Okay, so the last time I went on a date, my dad threatened to rip the guy's arm off and beat him with it, then use his shotgun to blow his brains out.

He doesn't even own a shotgun!

That's Kayden Paris for you.

Mom was much nicer, but she threatened to slit his throat and smoke weed with his windpipe if he broke my heart.

That's Summer-Storm Paris for you.

But, I still love them.

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