{13} Sad Story

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Before you say anything, no, I am not mad at River, Jayden, Raziel or Hunter.

Yes, I admit, it was a good prank, but what they don't know, is that the girls and I have been texting on group chat and planning a prank since I stormed away.

River tried to talk to me, but I slammed the Twin-Cave door in his face and locked it.

A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door.

"Gel, it's us." Jayden's voice floats from the other side of the door. Only that idiot is weird enough to call me Gel.

But I'm weird, too, so who cares?

"Open the door, Angie." Hunter adds.

"I have Oreos." Raziel says, shaking the packet.

Ooh, Oreos!

I get up and walk up the stairs. I unlock the door and open it.

Suddenly, I'm lifted into the air in a bone crushing hug.

"I'm sorry, best friend!" Raziel shouts. "Please don't hate me! I love you!"

I chuckle. "Didn't I tell you I'm an amazing actress."

He puts me down and face palms.

"Wow, she just pranked us back by pretending she was mad at us." Hunter states.

"No shit, Sherlock." Jayden rolls his eyes, slapping the back of Hunter's head.

"Hey, don't touch what you can't afford." Hunter whines, smoothing down his blonde hair.

I snort. "Who would want to be able to afford that?"

"Hurtful!" He exclaims, pouting.

I chuckle and ruffle his hair. "Love you, Hunts."

"...love you, too, Angel."

"Love you, too, Jelly!"

"Love you, too, Zel."

"Love you, too, sis!"

"Love you, too, bro."

"Okay, enough with the 'love you's'!" River cuts in. "Let's watch a movie."

Ashlynn opens her big mouth.

"Ooh, let's watch-"

"We're not watching Magic Mike XXL." River cuts her off, making her pout.


Here we are, watching Nightmare on Elm Street.

I won the argument of what movie to watch using my puppy face, hehehe.

Shakayla cuddles with Hunter. Magik sits with Jayden, with them stealing glances at each other from time to time, and Beyonce sits in Raziel's arms. All of the girls hiding their face in the boys' shoulder every time something scary comes on. And Ashlynn?

Well, she's cuddling with her stuffed unicorn version of Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops, squeezing the stuffing out of it every time something scary comes on.

They all lounge on the mattresses that are lying out on the ground.

And remember when I said I wasn't mad at River? I lied.

River and I are sitting on the couch.

At opposite ends.

My phone buzzes and I look at the text.

Forest: Can I talk to u?

I glance at him before replying.

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