{40} Twins' Birthday

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"Fuck off before I slit your throat and smoke weed with your windpipe." Jayden and I grumble in unison.

Last night, Jayden and I decided to have a sleepover in the Twin-Cave. Well, it wasn't exactly a sleepover since we ended up pulling an all-nighter and crashing from sugar high at seven in the morning.

"Angel! Jayden! Wake the fuck up!" Raziel shouts and the clanking of pots and pans follow.

"It's nine in the morning!" Hunter adds, pulling the blanket off us.

"Nine in the fucking morning?!" I shoot awake the same time as Jayden.

"We've only been sleeping for two fucking hours!" Jayden shouts, tugging at his hair.

"Who cares?!" Ashlynn exclaims. "It's your birthday, so get up!"

"We got cake!" Raziel holds up a large Oreo cheesecake with a single red candle on top.

Jayden and I give them a death glare so cold that they slowly backed out of the Twin-Cave with wide eyes.


"Happy birthday, my babies!" Mom shouts as Jayden and I trudge downstairs around three in the afternoon.

She envelopes us in a warm hug, kissing each of our cheeks.

She lets go of us and dad hugs us.

"Just because you two are 18 now, doesn't mean you can move out." He tells us when he pulls away.

"Dad, we're going to have to move out when we go to college." Jayden tells him, yawning.

"We don't have to move out for college." I correct him, also yawning.

"See, Jay." Dad ruffles his hair and kisses my forehead. "This is why you should listen to your sister more often. She knows what she's talking about and you don't."

"Haha, idiot." I stick my tongue out at Jayden

"Don't call me an idiot, idiot."

"Don't tell me to not call you an idiot, idiot."

He rolls his eyes before pulling me into a hug.

"Happy birthday, baby sis."

"Happy birthday, big bro." I mumble into his chest, hugging him back.

"I love you." We both tell eachother simultaneously before high fiving. "Twin telepathy!"


"Get the door." Jayden and I demand eachother as the doorbell rings. "No, you get the door." "No, you!" "No, you!"

"Shut up!" Mom orders. "Kayden, get the door."

"But I-"

"Don't 'But I' me, Kade." Mom rolls her eyes. "Get the door or you're sleeping on the couch tonight."

Jayden and I 'oooooohhhhhh'.

"Damn, not the couch." I whistle lowly.

"Shit, dad. You'd better get the door." Jayden tells him.

Dad grumbles under his breath as he answers the door.

"Hey, Uncle Kayden!" Three idiots greet dad when he opens the door.

"The Twins aren't grumpy anymore, are they?" Raziel's voice floats from the doorway.

"Yeah, I never want to see their death glare ever again." Hunter shivers.

"They scared Fee-Fee, too." Ashlynn tells my dad.

"No they're not grumpy anymore." Dad says as he lets them in. "And why didn't you just come in? That's what you do every other time you three come over."

"We left our keys at home." Hunter explains.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY COUSINS!" They shout at the same time, engulfing us in a group hug.

"Thanks, guys." I chuckle as we hug them back.

They hand us bags of Oreos.

The doorbell rings again and dad sighs in exasperation and opens the door.

"Happy birthday, Twins!" Magik, Beyonce and Shakayla come bounding in and give us a hug.

"Happy Valentine's Day, babe." Jayden smiles and softly kisses Magik's lips.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Queen Bey." Raziel pecks Beyonce's cheek, wrapping an arm around her.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Kayla." Hunter hugs Shakayla and kisses her forehead.

They hand us bags of Nutella.

Then, the doorbell rings again.

Dad's eye twitches as he pulls the door open for the third time.

"Happy birthday, Devil and Best friend!" He shoves a bags of Nutella and Oreos into our arms before kissing me.

"Thanks, man." Jayden gives him a man hug.

"Thanks, Forest." I kiss him again.

"Awwwwww!" Mom, Ashlynn, Magik, Beyonce and Shakayla all coo.

"No 'awwwwww'!" Dad exclaims. "No, no, no, no, no! Angel Rose Paris, you are not allowed to have a boyfriend until your 60, living with 30 cats."

I pull away from River and roll my grey eyes. "Too bad. I prefer dogs."


"Kayden Sin Paris!" Mom uses his full name, cutting him off.

You're in deep shit, dad.

"Hi, Princesa." Dad nervously turns around to face mom, giving her a sheepish smile as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Remember that conversation we had about you being too overprotective?" Mom questions rhetorically as she raises a warning eyebrow.






"Shut up."

"Hey, dad?" I pipe up.

"Yeah, Pumpkin?" He turns to look me but instantly regrets it.

Yes, I pulled out my secret weapon.

My puppy dog face.


"No, stop, Angel! Fine, you can date River!" He cracks almost instantly.

I smile in victory as I kiss River again.

"Rivel!" Everyone shouts, making River and I smile into the kiss.

We pull away and rest our foreheads against eachother's.

"I love you." He whispers, stroking my cheek.

"I love you more." I lean into his touch.

"Not possible." He denies, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Very possible." I argue, also smiling.

"Get a room!"

"Shut up, Kade!"

"But, Princesa!"

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