{26} Burger King and Abandoned Places

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"Jayden, hurry your stupid ass up!" I shout as I slip on an old pair of Nike running shoes.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm coming!" He shouts back from upstairs.

"That's what you said the last thirty-fucking-seven times!" I yell back upstairs to Jayden.

"Language!" Mom yells from somewhere in the house.

We're going to explore an abandoned mental asylum, but first we have to stop at Burger King, where we're going to meet up with River, Raziel, Hunter and Ashlynn, have lunch then go to the asylum.

I'm wearing an old black t-shirt with one of my old hoodie's on top and an old pair of running tights.

Obviously I'm not going to wear my good clothes if I'm going to explore some creepy old adandoned mental asylum.

Hell no!

A few seconds later, my brother appears at the top of the stairs and runs down, almost tripping.

He slips on his shoes.

"I swear to got, you're more of a girl than I am." I mumble loudly, making him glare at me.

"Last time I checked, I don't have boobs." He glares. "Now shut up and let's go."


"Took you guys long enough!" Ashlynn exclaims loudly as Jayden and I approach the booth she, River, Raziel and Hunter are sitting at in Burger King. "Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops was starting to get pissed off."

"Not my fault my brother's secretly a girl." I smirk, watching Jayden narrow his grey eyes at me.

"And my sister's secretly a man!" He shoots. "She tried to take a piss standing up the other day!"

They stare at us.

"...what...?" River trails off, looking between Jayden and I.

"I just thought that maybe taking a piss standing up isn't as hard as everyone says!" I defend myself. "How was I supposed to know that you would need good aim and a dingaling?!"

And Raziel chooses to open his big mouth at that moment.

"My dingaling. My dingaling. I want you to play, with my-"

"Raziel!" Jayden and I yell in unison, cutting him off. We high-five. "Twin telepathy!"

"The real question is, how did you know that she was trying to take a piss standing up?" Hunter questions.

"Well, I walked past the bathroom and heard Angel swearing. I asked what was wrong and she said that she was trying to take a piss standing up and failed miserably." Jayden answered.

Everyone stays silent for a few minutes before River turns to me.

"Did you seriously try to take a piss standing up?"

I throw my hands up in exasperation. "Why are we still talking about this?!"

He throws his arms up in surrender before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me to his side. "Well, it's not everyday you find out that your Devil tried to take a piss standing up."

"Shut up, Forest!" I whine, making him smile cutely and chuckle.

"Hey, guys!"

River and I turn to look at Raziel.


Raziel holds up his phone proudly.

"Got 'em!"


"So this is the place?" Ashlynn questions as we look up at the huge fenced off building.

"Yup." Hunter nods, grabbing six flashlights from the plastic bag he was holding. He throws the bag somewhere and hands us all a flashlight each.

"Okay, we gotta hurry and get in before security sees us." Jayden says.

Ashlynn nods. "Okay!...how?"

"Easy," River walks back a few steps. "We jump the fence."

He runs up and jumps up, placing his hands at the top and pushing himself over without touching another part of the old metal fence, landing on the other side so gracefully a cat would be jealous.

"That's not fair!" Ash grumbles loudly. "I can't do that!"

I smirk before putting the flashlight in my mouth, taking a running start and flipping over the fence, not touching it at all.

River whistles in amazement as I land next to him.

"Damn, Devil. Didn't know you could do that."

I shrug. "I did gymnastics for eleven years."

Jayden easily jumps over. Raziel climbs up and sits at the top as Hunter boosts Ashlyyn up. Raziel grabs her arms and helps her climb over, dropping her to Jayden who helps her get down.

Raziel hops down and Hunter jumps over.

"Teamwork." Jayden, Raziel and Hunter high-five.

"Hey, guys?" I speak up.

"Hmm?" They all turn to me.

"I gotta pee."


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