{22} Birds and Bees

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"Stop pouting, Devil." River's voice floats from behind the couch I'm sulking on. "It's not my fault our son likes me better than you."

I gasp, standing up. "Excuse you, bitch. Why would our son like you better than me?!"

He pretends to think for a moment. "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that you decided to name him Sir Cumberbatch the Fourth has something to do with it!"

"You agreed!" I throw my hands up in the air.

"You gave me the puppy dog face!" He argues.

"And?!" He doesn't answer. "That's what I thought, you little puta!"

"Okay, the baby's asleep, but I don't necessarily feel like listening to his parents argue all night long!" Jayden slurs tiredly as he drags himself downstairs. "So if you two would kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME SLEEP, it would be greatly appreciated."

River and I roll our eyes as my brother stumbles back up the stairs and to his room.

I turn to the green-eyed boy next to me. "Where's the hoodie I asked for?"

He rolls his eyes before taking off the hoodie he's wearing and chucking it at my face.

I pluck the red hoodie off my face and put it on, jumping on the couch and snuggling into the amazing-smelling hoodie,.

River walks over and takes a seat next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side.

"You do know you're not getting this hoodie back, right?"


"River Forest Hale, why are you cuddling with my little girl?!" Dad's voice booms out, making River and I both roll off the couch in shock.

"Why are you asking me why I'm cuddling with your little girl?" River answers my dad's question with a question as we both stand up and sit on the couch.

"Don't answer my question with a question." Dad grumbles.

"Kayden, shut your mouth and let them cuddle!" Mom orders, walking into the living room.

"Summer!" Dad whines as she sits down between River and I. "Stop ruining my overprotective dad vibes!"

"Stop being using your 'overprotective dad vibes' on Angel then." Mom scoffs. "I'm sure Jayden would love to have you follow him around, threatening every girl he meets with a fork."

"I hate you." Dad puts, although I can see the love and admiration in his blue eyes.

"I love you, too, Kade." Mom smiles cheekily, her grey eyes shining with the same love and admiration.

I really hope I can have a relationship like that someday.

She stands up and pecks dad on the lips.

"I'm going to go wake Jayden up." She starts walking up the stairs. "Try not to kill the kid."

Dad turns back to River and I.

He takes a deep breath before talking. "Angel, River, when two people love each other very much, they-"

I cut him off, covering my poor ears.

"Oh my life, dad! We do not need the birds and bees talk!" I shout, tugging at my black hair. "You've already given it to me twenty-seven times in the last month for the sixth year in a row!"

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