{23} Nutella Crazy

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"Good morning, family!" Jayden yells, sliding down the stair banister. "River, included!"

River raises an eyebrow. "For a guy who was grumpy and yelling his ass off last night, you seem to be in a good mood."

"Good morning, people!" I shout, also sliding down the banister.

River turns to my parents. "Are they possessed?"

"Nope." Mom shakes her head, popping the 'p'.

"Then why-"

"WAFFLES!" Jayden and I yell in unison, high-fiving before running and sitting down side-by-side at the dining table.

"-and I got my answer." River say, sitting down on my right.

Dad takes the last chocolate chip waffle out of the waffle maker and places the plate in the middle of the table.

Jayden reaches out to take one, but stops. "Mom, you didn't help make them, did you?"

Wrong question, Jay.

Mom narrows her stormy grey eyes at him. "You see this butter knife?" She holds it up, making Jayden nod. "Yeah, well I'm going to shove it so far up your-"

"Okay, calm down, Princesa." Dad cuts her off and gently pushes her down in a chair before sitting next to her. He looks at Jayden. "I raised an idiot."

Mom snaps her glare to dad. "Did you just tell me to calm down?! Oh hell no, you little puta! You do not tell a woman to calm down. You never tell a woman to calm down-"

The Legendary Summer-Storm Paris, everyone.

Dad shuts her up by shoving a waffle in her mouth.

"Shut it, Summer." Dad rolls his blue eyes, kissing her cheek.

Mom takes the waffle out of her mouth, pouting before she elbows him in the rib. "And don't call my baby boy an idiot."

"Mom, I'm seventeen!" Jayden whines, taking a waffle and placing it on his plate.

"But you'll always be my baby boy." She leans over the table and ruffles his raven hair. "So shut up."

As everyone is about to take a bite out of their waffles, I yell, giving them a fright.


"What-what's wrong?! Are you alright, Pumpkin?!" Dad panics, rounding the table and checking me over for any injuries.

"You forgot the Nutella!" I shout, hysterically, making him face palm.

"I thought you were going into labor because Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops sprinkled some magic glittery fairy dust on you to make you pregnant with a baby dinosaur or something." He grumbles, walking to the pantry and grabbing the jar of Nutella and a butter knife.

They have Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops, we have Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops. For some reason, Foo-Foo gave birth, rather than his late night hook-up. Is unicorn childbirth like the seahorse shit or something? Where the male gives birth instead of the female.

We will never know.

He places the jar of Nutella in front of me. "Go crazy."

And I do.

Instead of scooping some Nutella out of the jar like a normal person would, I tipped the jar upside down and dumped a shitload of the chocolate-y goodness on my waffle. I spread it using the butter knife before shoving the waffle in my mouth, taking a huge bite, smiling happily.

"How attractive." River snorts sarcastically, making Jayden, mom and dad chuckle softly.


"I never knew you loved Nutella so much." River admits, as we lie on my bed, looking at the glow in the dark stars that are stuck on my ceiling.

When I was nine, I became really obsessed with Galaxy print and stuff, so mom and dad painted my ceiling with different shades of black, purple, blue, red, pink and white. After it was all done and dry, mom lifted me while dad lifted Jayden and we stuck the glow in the dark stars on.

"I'm just full of surprises, aren't I?" I question as I rest my head on his chest and he plays with my jet black hair.

He chuckles. "Now I know what to get you for your birthday."

I snort. "You don't even know when my birthday is."

He stays silent for a few seconds. "Valentine's Day."

"What?" I look at him, shocked.

"Your birthday." He repeats. "It's on Valentine's Day."

"How do you know?" I ask, turning on my side, leaning on my elbow and resting my head on my palm while looking up at him.

"Sweetheart, you're my Devil, of course I know when your birthday is."

"Aww." I gush.

"Plus, my best friend is your twin brother, and I kind of have to know when his birthday is."

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