{2} Who's the Boy

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"River is so hot!" Ashlynn exclaims, fanning herself as we walk into the girls changing rooms to get ready for track practice.

"Agreed." I nod. I quickly change into a pair of grey Nike Pros, a sports bra, a red Nike t-shirt and a pair of white Nike running shoes. I throw my jet black hair up in a ponytail, waiting for Ash to finish getting changed.

We walk onto the track and crowd around Coach Leslie.

Coach Leslie is Coach Aaron's sister. Those two are the best coaches ever. They push us just the right amount. They always know what to do. They're legit the best along with Mrs McKlay, our art teacher.

Mrs McKlay was mom and dad's favourite teacher. She got married a year after they graduated and made mom the maid of honor.

Mom's been the maid of honor for four weddings including Mrs McKlay's one.

Yup, Uncle Nate and Aunt Hannah's wedding, Uncle Cole and Aunt Kyla's wedding, and Uncle Reese and Aunt Cassie's wedding.

"Alright, team, warmup with three laps around the track." Coach Leslie orders, blowing her whistle. Coach Leslie, well, she loves to blow her whistle. Not only is she the track team coach, but she is also my P.E Health teach. And she always has that whistle with her.

Seriously, she can't go a day without it.

Kinda like Coach Finstock from Teen Wolf.


I finish first with Ashlynn right behind me. I'm the anchor of the team, which means I run last for relay races because I'm the fastest. Ashlynn is the second runner because she's the second fastest.

We have seven people on the team including Ashlynn and I.


Yes, we have girls named Magik and Beyonce on the team. Sue us. All of us are close, but Ashlynn, Magik, Beyonce, Shakayla and I are the closest. Obviously not as close as Raziel and I, but almost.

They're my best friends apart from Raz, or as only I can call him, Zel. He calls me Jelly, because my name's Angel, and Angel ends with Gel, and Gel is the start of Jelly, but with a G, but it looks weird if you spell Jelly with a G, I mean, look; Gelly. Actually, it doesn't look that weird but it spells out Gelly with a g sound instead of a j sound-

I'm gonna stop talking now.

He calls me Jelly.

I'm not going to explain again.

All that made my brain hurt.

Soon enough, practice is over and we all trudge into the changing room to take a shower and change so we can go home.

"Guys," Ashlynn pipes up, making us all look at her from our spots at our lockers. "If I ate myself, would I become twice as big, or disappear completely?"

"Well, if you ate yourself, you'd die from blood loss, which means you wouldn't be able to finish eating yourself, so you wouldn't be able to become twice as big or disappear completely." Shakayla explains making me throw my shirt at her.

"We get it, you're smart." I groan, walking to one of the showers. "Stop making my brain hurt!"


"Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops is going to kick Hunter's ass for taking my phone!" Ashlynn seethes as she, Magik, Beyonce, Shakayla and I make our way to my front door.

"I don't think Shakayla would like that." I say slyly, making Shak smack my arm.

"Ang, shut up!" She whines as Ash, Magik, Bey and I laugh.

"Well, you wouldn't like it." Magik agrees with me.

"At all." Beyonce adds, nodding in agreement.

"Guys!" She complains, pouting.

You see, Shakayla's had the biggest crush on Hunter since forever.

And it doesn't help that Hunter is so freaking oblivious to it. Seriously, he speaks about hooking up with girls in front of her all the time. I think I can hear her heart crack a little each time. Seriously, I'm just waiting for her to explode.

Why do I have an idiot for a cousin? Uncle Nate wasn't this oblivious. Mom was oblivious to dad's feelings for her bu- that's not the point! The point is, Hunter's stupid!

My phones buzzes, signaling that I got a text.

Razzy Boy: We're at River's house, you got the house all to yourself.

Jelly: Well, it's my house, so...

"Hi, mom." I greet, walking up to her as she sits in the kitchen.

"Hi, sweetie." She kisses my forehead before turning to my cousin and friends. "Hi, kids."

"Hi, Summer-Storm." Magik, Beyonce and Shakayla say in unison. I've known this three since kindergarten so mom doesn't mind them calling her by her first name, same with dad.

"Hi, Aunt Stormy!" Ashlynn waves enthusiastically.

"You're not cooking, are you?" I question mom.

"Oh, hell no!" She exclaims. "Last time I tried to cook, your uncles and I set the oven on fire."

"Are you sure you didn't try to cook?" I question again, eying the dirty dishes piled up in the sink.

"Honey, Summer-Storm Paris does not cook." She shakes her head, her short light brown hair falling in her face. "That was your brother. He made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

My eyes bulge out. "He used all these dishes to make PB&J?!"

"Angel, this is your brother we're talking about." She start. "He sucks at cooking."

True, my brother does suck at cooking. He got that trait from my mom, but me on the other hand, can cook.

Thank you, dad for teaching me how to cook and not letting me turn out like Jayden.


We all lounge downstairs in the Twin-Cave until Magik, Beyonce and Shakayla have to go home.

Yes, Twin-Cave. Mom and her brothers had a Quad-Cave, Jayden and I have a Twin-Cave.

A few minutes later, Ash and I hear the front door open signaling that my dad is home.

"Dad!" I run upstairs. I'm a major daddy's girl, just like mom is.

Eww, not like that, you dirty minded people!

My dad's smile drops as soon as he see my face.

"I know that look," he growls. "Who's the boy?"

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