{10} River's Middle Name

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"So, Elly, how old are you?" I question the adorable little girl as she, Beth, River and I sit in the kitchen eating warm chocolate chip cookies.

"I'm four!" She says, holding up three fingers. I chuckle and lift up one of her fingers making her blush and giggle. "Oops."

Beth opens her mouth to say something but is cut off by someone thundering into the kitchen.

"Is it just me or do I hear the voice of my favourite Paris?"

"Leo!" I jump up and hug the man with the same brown hair as River and Ella.

"Hey, kid." He ruffles my hair. He gives Ella a kiss on the head and claps River on the back. "I gotta go, but tell your idiot of a father that you guys are coming over for dinner tomorrow night."

I chuckle. "Sure thing, old man."

"Hey, just because I'm older than your dad and uncles, doesn't mean I'm an old man!" He defends. He gives Beth a kiss on the cheek and ruffles my hair again before walking out.

"Anyway, Angel," Beth starts. "How's your mother?"

"She's great." I answer. "She was talking about how she need to get together with you, Aunt Kyla, Aunt Hannah, and Aunt Cassie so you guys can prank dad, Uncle Cole, Uncle Nate, Uncle Reese and Leo."

Beth giggles. "I would love that."

"Angie, come play Barbies with me!" Ella tugs on the bottom of my shorts.

Ugh, Barbies.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against barbies, but I grew up with cars and sports equipment, not barbies and dresses. Especially since my mom is a tomboy. Seriously, I saw the photos from her senior prom and I thought she was actually being girly for once, but then I saw her shoes. Only my mom would wear Converse under a dress.

"Sure, princess." I smile, picking her up.

Hey, just because I never played with Barbies, doesn't mean I'm not going to do it for Ella.


Am hour later, I walk into the kitchen after making River take my place as Barbie from Swan Lake.

"Hey, Beth?" I call.

"Hmm?" She hums, looking up from the magazine she was reading.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you, since he won't tell me, what's River's middle name?" I question, batting my eyelashes.

She frowns. "I m not sure he would want me to tell yo-" she cuts herself short when she sees me giving her the puppy dog face I inherited from mom. "Oh, okay, I'll tell you!"

"Yay!" I clap my hands.

She leans over the counter and whispers, "River's middle name is..."


"Your middle name is FOREST?!" I burst into the living room where River and Ella are playing Barbies. I, of course, am laughing my ass off at my discovery.

His cheeks tinge pink and turns to his mom who followed me into the living room. "Mom, you told her?!"

Beth puts her arms up in surrender. "I'm sorry, baby, but her puppy dog face is just too cute."

"Mom!" He whines.

"Oh my god, River Forest Hale!" I laugh loudly. "This is gold!"

"What can I say, my mother's a nut." River glares, making Beth put her hand to her heart in fake hurt.

"Excuse me?!"

"You're excused." River waves her off making Beth huff.

Beth picks up Ella and walks upstairs. "Come, El, I think we should give these two acorns some privacy."

"Well, I found your new nickname." I chuckle, calming down from my laughing fit.

"Devil!" River whines, his green eyes narrowing at me.

"Forest?" I mimic, smirking at him.

"Don't call me that!"

"Why not?" I ask. "You call me 'Devil'!"

"You call me 'Jughead Jones'!"

"Not anymore." I smirk. "I call you Forest now."


"What?" I ask, looking at him innocently, biting my lip.

"I-fuck, don't do that." He groans, looking at my lips.

"Do what?" I question.

"Bite your lip." He groans, using his finger to pluck my bottom lip from between my teeth.

"Why not?"

"Well, unless you want me to take you to my room and make you scream my name, I suggest you don't."

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