{14} Revenge Prank

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"Let's go back down to the Twin-Cave."

"Nooo." I grumble, burying my face in his chest as we sit on the couch in the living room, watching SpongeBob on T.V. He has his arm around my shoulders and I snuggle into his side.

"Come on, Sweetheart." He urges.

I groan. "Fine. But can you go grab me some Oreos from the kitchen?"

He rolls his eyes but complies anyway.

I take that time to quickly get my phone and text the girls on group chat.

Angie: River just went to get me some Oreos from the kitchen. As soon as you hear Riv and I walking to the Twin-Cave, we start the prank

Ash: Okay. We all know the plan, right?

Mageek: Yup

Queen Bey: Yea

Shak: Yepp

"Here," River throws a pack of Original Oreos at me as soon as he walks back into the living room. "Your Oreos, your Highness."

"Thank you, my Royal servant." I play along, making him chuckle.

"Well, this royal servant can make you scream using only one finger."

I roll my eyes, biting my lip.

I look at him when I hear him growl.

"What have I told you about biting your lip?" He narrows his eyes as I bite my lip even more.

"Don't do it unless I want you to make me scream your name." I recite innocently, hearing him groan.

"Fuck you." He closes his eyes.

"When? Where? What time? How hard?"


River hasn't talked to me since I teased him in the living room.

As soon as we reach the Twin-Cave, Beyonce walks past us, subtly winking at me.

Time to start the prank.

The lights in the house flicker.

"Forest? Was that you?" I question, knowing it was Beyonce who flickered the lights, using my amazing acting skills, which I got from mom.

"No, you're the one next to the light switch." He finally talks to me, focusing his bright green eyes on me.

"I didn't touch the light swi-" I cut myself off as all the lights go out completely.

"What the fuck?!" Raziel's voice rings out from the bottom of the Twin-Cave stairs. "Owie! I just stubbed my toe!"

"Can you be serious? The power just went out!" Hunter exclaims.

"Nah, all the lights are on and it's bright as hell. So bright that it's hurting my poor eyes." Jayden shoots sarcastically.

"Shut up, Jay."

I grab a flashlight from the storage closet next to the Twin-Cave and shine it on the stairs, walking down with River.

"Wait, where's Beyonce?" River questions, taking the flashlight from me, shining it on everyone.

"She said she had to go to the bathr-"

An ear piercing scream rings out from somewhere in the house.

"What the fuck! Bey?!" Ashlynn yells, scared.

I am so glad the girls and I took Drama during our first three years of high school.

"RAZIEL!" Beyonce's voice screams before it goes quiet.

"BEYONCE!" Raziel shouts in panic, but no one answers.

Everyone grabs a flashlight from a drawer before rushing upstairs.

"Okay, guys, we have to split up-"

"Split up? Split up?!" I interrupt River. "Have you not seen a horror movie before?! The stupid group of teenagers go to a haunted house split up because they're friend goes missing and the blonde dies first, followed by everyone else!"

"I'm the blonde." Hunter whispers slowly, tugging at his hair.

"Well, good thing this isn't a haunted house." River rolls his eyes.


Every fifteen minutes, an ear piercing scream rings out as one of the girls "disappear".

My turn.

"River!" I yell in fake panic. "River!"

"Angel?" His voice comes from somewhere else in the house.

"RIVER!" I shout his name before dropping the flashlight, creating a loud thud. I open my window and climb out, using the drain pipe to crawl up to the roof where Ashlynn, Magik, Beyonce and Shakayla are.

"River, huh?" Ash smirks at me along with the others.

"Huh?" I look at them confused.

"You screamed River's name before coming up here." Magik wiggles her eyebrows.

"And?" I shrug before pointing to her. "You screamed Jayden's name." I point to Beyonce. "You screamed Raziel's name." I point to Shakayla. "You screamed Hunter's name. Obviously." I point to Ashlynn. "And you...well, you screamed my name."

"That whole thing sounded wrong." Shakayla points out.

"You sounded wrong!"

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