{28} Abandoned (and Possibly Haunted)

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I ended up playing.

We didn't make Ashlynn play this time, seeing as she almost pissed herself last time.

"Is there anyone here that wants to talk to us?" River questions as the boys and I rest two fingers each on the planchette.

Nothing happens for a minute before the planchette slowly starts moving and goes to yes.

"I'm out." I'm about to pull my fingers off but River grabs my hand and holds it there.

"You can't take your hand off without saying goodbye." He tells me.

"Great, let's say goodbye!" I clap my hands, or attempt to, seeing as River is holding one of them.

"Seriously, though." We look at Raziel. "You guys didn't move the planchette, did you?"

"Do I look like I moved that?" I question him.

He shakes his head and looks at River, Jayden and Hunter who are all shaking their heads.

"My fingers are barely touching it." Jayden tells him.

"Same." River and Hunter agree.

"So this place is abandoned and possibly haunted?" I question. "Lovely."

"Ask it another question." Jayden urges.

I snap my head to him. "Do you want to die tonight?!"

We all stay silent before Hunter asks it a question.

"Are we going to die tonight?"

"Hunter, are you loco?" I shout quietly. "You little puta!"

"Uhh, guys..." We look at Ashlynn who is looking down at the board in fear.

We look at it, too.

The planchette is on yes.

"Oh hell to the motherfucking no!" I yelp, trying to pull my hand away, but River keeps it in place.

"Uh, okay, let's say goodbye." Jayden suggests, as River, Raziel and Hunter nod.

"Yes! Please!" I plead. We say goodbye and suddenly, a loud slam comes from the other corridor.

We all snap our heads over and Hunter shines his flashlight over but we don't see anything.

"Guys?" I look over and meet Ashlynn's glassy eyes. "Can we go now? I'm scared." She whimpers.

Aww, Ash.

I give her a tight hug as she sniffles into my shoulder.

Another slam rings out, but louder and a little bit closer.

Ash and I jump away.

"Okay, we gotta go. Right now." River pushes me forward. "Guys, go in front of me. Someone go in front. Doesn't matter who, as long as the girls are in the middle."

Hunter goes first, then Jayden, then Ashlynn, then Raziel. I grab River's hand tightly as I follow Raziel, River closely behind me.

"Forest?" I whisper.

"Yeah, Devil?" He answers, gripping my hand.

"I'm scared."

"It's alright, babygirl." He squeezes my hand. "I'm here."

We make it to the office we came in from and take turns climbing out the window.

When it's my turn, I freeze.

"Angel, wha-"

"Shh." I hold my finger to my lips, shushing my brother. "I hear footsteps."

"No." Ashlynn's lip quivers.

"She's right." River tells them. "Someone's coming!"

He picks me up and literally throws me out the window and into Jayden's awaiting arms.

River quickly and gracefully jumps through and grabs my hand as we all start running.

We hide around the corner as we see a security car in the parking lot. We wait for it to leave before we start running towards the front.

I don't know what possessed me to turn around and glance behind me, but I'm glad I did.

"Oh my fucking life!" I shout, running faster. "Run faster!"

"Why?! What's wrong, Angel?!" River turns around and I see his eyes widen. "Run like the wind, people! Run like your fucking asses are on fire!"

Jayden, Raziel, Hunter and Ashlynn all glance backwards before their eyes widen.

A few feet behind us, is a huge...thing! It's most likely a man, but it's so hairy it could be Chewbacca!

We all speed up as we spot the fence a few metres ahead.

"I am so glad I run track!" I exclaim as we practically fly towards the old fence.

Jayden jumps over first and we pretty much throw Ashlynn over the fence to him.

Raziel climbs over followed by Hunter.

I look behind us and see Chewbacca getting closer.

I feel hands grip my waist and lift me up. I look at River who puts me on top of the fence before he climbs up and grabs my hand as we jump down.

We start running to the parking lot where our van is.

I glance back and curse.

"What?" Ashlynn looks back. "Seriously?! There was a hole in the fence the whole time and I still had to be thrown over!"

Chewbacca climbs through the large hole and starts chasing us again.

We speed up even more and simultaneously sigh in relief as we make it to the van.

Hunter hops in the driver's seat with Ashlynn in shotgun as River, Jayden, Raziel and I climb in the back.

Did Hunter seriously not lock the damn van?!

You shouldn't be complaining, seeing as it saved your asses some time from from getting eaten by the goddamn Chewbacca, who is only a few feet away!

"Keys, keys, where the fuck are the keys?!" Hunter panics, patting at his pockets and looking around the van.

"You lost the keys?!" Jayden and I shout in unison, slapping him on the back of the head.

"Lock the doors!" Raziel shouts and River leans forward and presses the automatic lock button.

"Holy fucking shit!" I screech as Chewbacca bangs his fists on the front of the van. "God, Jesus, Krishna, Allah, Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops, please don't let us die!" I squeeze my eyes shut and draw a cross on my chest.

Ashlynn rummages through Hunter's back pack and pulls out the keys. "Found them!"

"Thank god." Hunter quickly snatches the keys from her and starts the car. He changes the gear, reverses the van and high tails it out of the parking lot, leaving Chewbacca in our dust.

"Next time the boys say they have one of their 'amazing ideas'." I start, putting quotation marks around 'amazing ideas', "I'm going to kick them in the head!"

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